Taking ID and passport photos

Q: Something like photography for ID and passport reasons are permissible out of necessity. Similarly, to sit in an aero plane where free mixing and alcohol is served is also permissible. The same with going to a bank for a valid reason. Please advise if one should make Istighfaar when one's picture is taken for these reasons, or one is in an aero plane, or in a bank etc. The thought came to mind that since Allah Ta'ala has given us leeway in these matters, it is incorrect to make Istighfaar for such things as it is on account of His Kindness. However, I also thought because of our disobedience to Allah Ta'ala, He has subjected us to these systems of kuffaar and their governments as punishment. Hence, we should make Taubah and Istighfaar for being so sinful that we have to be disgraced at the hands of kuffaar and kuffaar governments (like photography, evil environments, banking etc.) on account of His punishment in the first place.

Calculating according to the solar calendar

Q: A boy who has not had a wet dream becomes baligh at the age of 15. I am aware that this refers to the 15 years in the lunar calender, but since people generally do not know their age in the lunar calendar, can we instead just tell them "15 years", even if they will assume this to be according solar calendar? This since it is difficult for the awwaam to calculate their age according to the lunar calender. Similarly can we tell them that "A child should be made to pray at the age of 7", "the custody of a girl moves away from her mother at the age of 9" etc, even though we know that they will assume this to be solar years? Also, can we ourselves act on the solar years too, even though we are aware that lunar years are really meant?

Removing a forum post that one in unclear about

Q: I agreed to abstain from a particular website by someone I have to listen to in good and I have abstained for a lengthy period. But now I remember that I have at-least one post that is based on what I heard is a weak hadeeth and I do not want to leave it there, for someone to potentially be influenced by it and I also want to go through my posts for anything wrong within them, is this acceptable for me, knowing what I've agreed?

Addicted to the cellphone

Q: I am a sister from Karachi, Pakistan. I want a solution for my sister. She is bipolar and she is not practising Deen the way our family is. She is involved in someone who is not of or religion. She does not control her anger and will also attempt suicide, if the guy leaves her. She also talks to many other guys and her friend circle is also very modern. She can go to any extent (which is what I fear). My grandfather was a mufti and my family is very pious. If her mobile or any source of contact is taken she attempts suicide, which shows she is addicted. We have tried every possible thing being polite to her, beating her up but nothing works. We did a 41 days wazifa of surah baqarah for her but it doesn't seem to work much. Please give me a proper solution as to how shall I bring her to the right track. Give me any wazeefa if there is.


Q: What is a muwakkil? The noorani jinn? Do they have a contact with angels? People get these jinns/muwakkils through doing wazifas of a silsila of qadria chistia shazlia etc. Is this correct?