Q: I am having menstrual now for over 35 to 40 days. I want to know if I can pray or sleep with my husband?
Q: I am having menstrual now for over 35 to 40 days. I want to know if I can pray or sleep with my husband?
Q: Need dua for financial issues, obstacles , health issues ghabraahat. My daughter is in standard 10, made a lot of effort but no good results. Please make dua.
Q: I know that it is preferable to perform Sunnats and Nawaafil of Maghrib, Esha etc at home but if that relative's home has pictures of animate objects in the form of children's books & toys, is it then better to perform the Sunnats and Nawaafil in the Masjid as my understanding is no angel apart from Malikul Maut enters that house?
Q: Is it permissible to marry a woman if she is pregnant out of wedlock before the baby is born?
Q: I am moving into my new house which has just been renovated. I called a Shaikh for dua and food and I have also fed my immediate family members and neighbours on that day. Is this bid'at? I am a bit worried. I have been correcting my intention doing it to please Allah and not to please makhlooq. What should I do immediately after entering the home? Me and my wife were thinking of performing two rakaat of Salaah and making dua, then reciting Qur'an and making ta'leem of fazail. Can you please advise.
Q: Many people justify long working hours or giving far more hours to work than they give to Taleem, Dhikr, Salaah, Qur'an recitation, Dawah, Majalis, Khidmat of Deen etc by saying the following: "It's a Shar'i command to earn and we have to live in this world." Is this correct?
Q: If a person does other good deeds but he doesn't pray his five time Salaah, will his other good deeds be counted and accepted?
Q: I was wondering if my Salaah is invalidated if I make sounds during the Salaah when going down into sajda as a result of feeling a pain in my foot?
Q: Is it permissible for a mother and son to perform Salaah together in Jamaat? If so, where should the mother stand and is it necessary for the mother to give the iqaamah?
Q: I want to ask regarding the adab of not calling a person's elders using the word 'you' , but rather repeating their title e.g. moulana
1) What are the origins of this and which kitaabs is this mentioned in?
2) In Arabic when addressing Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in madinah munawwarah, the word ka / you is used. Also when making dua to Allah Ta'ala both in English and Arabic, does this not then become much more disrespectful than using the same word you for some elder?