Turning towards the congregation after Salaah
Q: Should the Imaam turn towards his right or left facing the muqtadis for making duaa only for Fajr and Asr Salaah?
Q: Should the Imaam turn towards his right or left facing the muqtadis for making duaa only for Fajr and Asr Salaah?
Q: A person had a dream that their whole family was in Madinah Shareef and certain things took place. They informed a Maulana of this dream and the Maulana replied that the person will soon go to Madinah Shareef. I am aware that our aqeedah is that only Allah knows matters of the unseen and of future events. Therefore are we to believe that the Maulana is just giving an indication of what the dream could lead to based on what has been told to him, but the Maulana cannot say that it will certainly happen 100% without a doubt?
Q: Is the virtue of reciting Surah Dukhaan for the one who recites it on any night or is it for the one who recites it on a Thursday night?
Q: If I am learning a Surah with a sajdah off by heart, then do I have to do the same amount of sajdah tilawat as the amount of times I recite the aayat of sajdah? If I am making more than one sajdah tilawat then how would I do it? Is it the same as in namaz or do I have to do them all separately with intentions in between all of them because I have quite a few to do from before as well?
Q: If I make a tile napaak as a piece of clothing with urine on it has touched it, if I do wudhu and my wet feet touches the tile, if my foot doesn't smell of urine nor does it turn yellow is my foot considered paak or napaak?
Q: My mother-in-law wants to know if she can give her inheritance equally among her children regardless of gender on her will?
Q: My problem is I am suffering from male impotence, is there a wazifa for curing this problem, please let me know.
Q: If in salah on my own, I am reciting out loud and I recite bismillah out loud, and half way through it I stop, and re-recite it silently, is my salah invalidated? Also, is it invalidated if I recite it out loud and complete the recitation of it out loud only to re-recite it silently? I also have the same question but instead of Bismillah, I recite ameen out loud. Does reciting ameen out loud invalidate the prayer? also, if it does, would rectifying the ameen out loud by reciting it again straight after silently, cause the prayer to be valid again? Another question I have is that during the salah, I said some of the takbeers out loud and others including possibly 'Sami Allahu liman hamida' silently. Would this inconsistency render my salah invalid?
Q: If you are in doubt or feel that you have mispronounced parts of the quran during salah unintentionally, should you readdress this during the salah and re-recite the ayah you felt you may have made a mistake in, or should you carry on reciting?
Q: I was wondering if sajda sahw is necessary when one enters into jalsa and before putting his hands on his thighs, begins saying 'allahuma aghfirlee wa arhamnee', putting them on his hands during the recitation of the dua. Also, if the back is not completely straight during rukoo, then is the salah invalidated?