Dua to recite in jalsa
Q: Is there any dua that we need to recite between the two sujood of a rakaat in salaah?
Q: Is there any dua that we need to recite between the two sujood of a rakaat in salaah?
Q: What causes a person to go through difficulty that earns no rewards because I am experiencing that and I am trying to reform?
Q: Regarding tasbeeh e fathimi after salaah, and the view of the ulama that it's better to read it after performing Sunnats, does this mean tasbeeh e fathimi should be read after nawaafil, witr etc, or after the sunnat e muakkadah and before the nawaafil?
Q: Please I want to know, if you have been affected by sihr, ayn or jinn, will you be held accountable for the sins you will commit or have committed? When you are in your real state you wouldn't have committed it.
Q: I have heared in a bayan that Hazrat Hamza (Radiyallahu Anhu's) janaaza namaaz was performed seventy times. It this correct?
Q: Is there anything I can recite before going to bed that will stop me from having wet dreams, a dua or a qur'an ayat or an action?
Q: Is there any special virture for reciting the last two ayats of surah Jathiyah?
Q: Being Associated with Tablighi Jamaat, can I practise Raf-e-yadain in Salaah?
Q: Is it right that we should recite At-tahiyat and durood after the second rakaat of sunnat ghair muaqqadah?
Q: Is there a limit that one can love one's spouse?