Tahaarat and wet dreams


1. If a person is wearing dark coloured underwear, how will he figure out if he had a wet dream and what else are the signs?

2. What is the significants of reading Surah wasama-e- wattariq for a male before sleeping?

3. If I feel like going toilet all the time, what do I do?

4. If a boy wants to get married at a young age because he can't control him self, what duaa can he read?

5. Duaa to be saved from homosexuality.

Asking the husband for divorce

Q: I recently got married to a man I thought I knew. But I have found out he is not the person I thought he was. He will chat different women on social medias. It used to bother me then. I got over it and tried to over look. For the past two months I was happy and we never argued as he continued doing what he always does. Then the other day he put a picture of him and a woman he met on social sites on his whatsapp. I couldn't believe my eyes. Me and him come from the same circle I felt really ashamed like he could do such a thing. When I confronted him he told me that's his page he can put what he wants. This really got me angry because I felt he has disrespected me. I decided I can't deal with him and just to ask for a divorce. My question is will my reason be valid or I will be committing a great sin. I don't want a divorce but he is pushing me to call it quits.


Q: I have a question regarding Inheritance. My grandfather had 5 sons and 2 daughters. He lived in a small house consisting of only one room. My two uncles were living in grandfather's house, one occupied the room and another made a machaan. Two uncles moved out and got their own house. My father got job in army and moved from one place to another. Finally my parents decided to settle in another city. Out of the two uncles living in grandfather's house, one moved to another house after his children got married. Only one uncle is living in this house with his youngest son. Elder son is well off and has got many houses but my uncle insists on living in this paternal house. Now comes the question of inheritance. My father moved out due to job and then settled in another city as per demands of family and children. Also the paternal house is very small, that's why one uncle decided to move to his son's house. Now when my father and others demand their share in the house, the uncle living in this house is not willing to sell it or give share to his brothers/brother's family. He says that as everyone moved out and only he is living in this house then there is no share for others. Out of the 7 children, only 3 are living including my father. Both the daughters and 2 brothers are dead. This inheritance issue is causing bad blood between brothers and brother's children. I request you to reply as soon as possible as what should be the solution to this problem.

Wazifa for fear

Q: I have a friend whose studying ilm. She is a Muslim. She has a loving family and loving friends. Everyone in her life cares for her very well but she is still not contented. She always has fears. She randomly starts crying. She sometimes sees things behind her. Yesterday she saw a black cat behind her but there was nothing there. She does all her amaal. She reads her morning and evening duas and manzil too. She feels like she is possessed by a jinn but she is not sure. She has no fear of running away or committing suicide. She only hasn't done anything yet because I've stopped her. She acts happy and fine in front of her family, teachers and classmates but when she is with her friends she gets a chance to express herself. She wants to be fine and normal and wants to get treated but she can't tell her mum because her mum is very sensitive. She'll probably slap her or sit in a corner and cry and her dad is the same as well. Can you please send me some duas for her heart's contentment and to escape from fear! Can you please tell me how to get rid of the jinn if she is possessed! Can you please help me!

Correcting the injustice carried out

Q: I wronged a disbeliever in a non-Muslim country and was thereafter fined quite a lot of money (the money went to the disbeliever). The disbeliever has not forgiven me so far. If the disbeliever dies without forgiving me, is it possible that Allah Ta'ala may not punish me in the hereafter for wronging the disbeliever by telling me that I was already punished in the worldy life (by being fined)?

Divorce under duress

Q: If a man is being forced by gun to give 3 talaqs, I have understood from your fatwas that the talaqs will take place even though he was forced. But may the man instead act on the Shafie opinion that talaqs do not take place? Since otherwise his life will be destroyed - his wife will be haram on him, his children will grow up with divorced parents, his wife will have difficulty supporting herself etc. I know that we should generally not act on views of another madhabs, but may the man make an exception is this case (even though he would be Hanafi) since this is such a delicate situation which will affect his whole life?