Taking one's life due to mental illness

Q: I think there is a Hadith which speaks very harshly of people who take their lives - that they will go to jahannam and if am not mistaken no ghusl is done for them. But what about people who suffer from mental illness and this causes them to take their lives? Are they too viewed harshly in our Shariah? Jazakallah for taking the time to consider my question?

Renting out a flat to a woman experiencing marital problem

Q: What should a landlord do in a situation where a couple are having marital problems and the wife wants to rent a house from the landlord and live separately from the husband with the children. The couple are not divorced but the wife avers that she cannot take the husband’s constant abuse and beating anymore and living away from the husband will hopefully result in the husband “cooling down” and then there will be a basis for reconciliation.


Q: I have some doubts regarding fishing, which I would like you to please clear.

1. Is permissible or haraam to fish without the intention of eating/selling/giving away the fish, that is the fisherman practise catch and release.

2. If the above is not permissible, would it be permissible for me to only take home the smaller fish, as I live alone and have no use for the larger fish.

3. If (1) and (2) are not permissible, what may I do with my fishing equipment. May it be sold or given away?

Treating paralysis with pigeon blood

Q: My question is that I have heard many times that patients with paralysis should opt for treatment with pigeon and also the application of the blood of the pigeon on the affected area. It is a common cure for paralysis and evidently very effective. Can you please tell me whether or not this is allowed in Shar'ia purely for treatment and medicinal purposes?

Drinking alcohol

Q: If a person drinks alcohol and eats and drinks water after it, can we assume traces of alcohol have been gone from his mouth. If he doesn't brush or gargle and then uses his hand to eat and then touches things with those hands without washing can I assume that things he touches are not impure as the person has been eating with his hand and maybe his mouth became clean after eating and drinking water.

Domestic problems

Q: Can you do like a wazeefa or something or like a thing where my father tells me to pack my bags and leave home? They are giving me too much stress and I don't want to leave on my own. I want my dad to tell me to leave and not call me back.

Fear of victamisation due to wearing hijaab

Q: Taqiyyah is to safeguard and with the recent events of the world I can't help but think about a verse from the Holy Quran that says "He who disbelieves in Allah after believing in Him; not he who has been compelled, while his heart is still content with the faith, but he who opens (his) breast to disbelief, upon them shall rest wrath from Allah and for them shall be a great chastisement" [Quran 16:106] How does that apply to hijab. If a sister must go to an area where she fears for her life because people easily identify her by her hijab, is Taqiyyah permissible if she removes it for that one time?