Spouses getting intimate after nikaah before rukhsati
Q: Is it permissible to get physical after nikaah without ruksati?
Q: Is it permissible to get physical after nikaah without ruksati?
Q: If there is only one child for salaah, must he stand in his own saff or must he stand in the adult saff?
Q: While sitting and performing salaah, I mistakenly tied my hands after coming up from the sajdah of the second rakaat instead of placing my hands on my lap for tashahhud. Does sajdah sahw become compulsory, like it would be compulsory if I were standing and performing salaah and stood up by mistake and then sat down?
Q: On social media, if we visit an astrologer page and (didn't ask questions in private) on their pages, there is little info about what will happen in the next few days... if we read that or read in a flash... Will our prayers not be accepted for 40 days?
Q: Should women undertake the journey to Masjidul Aqsa?
1. May ladies go to the qabrastaan?
2. May we attend a non-Muslims funeral by entering a church and graveyard?
Q: If a person denies Mi'raaj being bodily, does he become a kaafir because it's mutawaatir?
Q: Can a Muslim staying in India celebrate Independence day of India and carry the national flag? Is it against Islam ?
1. Is it a sin to look at one's faeces after having relieved oneself?
2. Is it permissible to look at faeces in the toilet if one suffers from piles and is looking for signs of bleeding, etc?
3. Is it true that if one looks at stool after defaecating, it can make a person lose their memory?
1. I suffer from eczema and psoriasis. At times when the skin itches and I scratch it or peel away the scales, then my skin bleeds a little. Thereafter, a thin sticky colourless liquid emerges from the skin. If I make wudhu after this but the liquid is still coming out, is my wudhu valid?
2. If my whudu is not valid, then what should I do if I have to read salaah? At times the condition occurs in areas where it isn't possible to stop the liquid flow with a plaster.