Cleaning impure books
Q: How can I make make impure (najis) books pure (taahir) as they got touched by urine? Will this answer be appropriate for semen, blood, stool?
Q: How can I make make impure (najis) books pure (taahir) as they got touched by urine? Will this answer be appropriate for semen, blood, stool?
Q: May a woman go to a male doctor for eye laser surgery (to correct her eye sight)? There are no female doctors available to do the operation.
Q: My father has the practise that whenever he goes to the beach, he faces the ocean and says: "Assalamu Alaikum O Great Man of the Ocean!" He commands us to do so as well mentioning that their lives a Wali of Allah Ta'ala in the ocean who had eaten/drunk something that had granted him eternal life. And that Allah Ta'ala had hidden him in the ocean so that people do not pester him. These are the words of my father. Is there any substance to this and the saying "Assalamu Alaikum O Great Man of the Ocean!"?
Q: There is a Muslim publication that caters for people seeking jobs. Can this publication post an advert for an establishment seeking a bartender?
Q: Regarding menstruation periods I would like to ask the following questions:
1.Are women allowed to have a bath whilst in haidh and nifaas? (I know that this will not make them pure from najasat but are they allowed to bathe because of hot weather and hygienic reasons?)
2. Are women allowed to do istinja using water whilst in period? (Women in our area refrain from using water saying this causes illnesses and is against the laws of haidh and nifaas; is this true?)
3. Are women allowed to drink cold water and ice-creams and other cold products during haidh and nifaas? (Again women in our area refrain strictly from this saying that it is not allowed both for medical and Islamic reasons?)
4. In our area women that are in haidh or nifaas still read salaah (in pretence-meaning that they don't recite anything but pretend that they are reading) in the presence of their fathers and other males using the excuse that they shouldn't know that their daughters, mothers or sisters are in this state. Is this allowed or not?
Q: If a husband enters his finger into the vagina of the wife, then does bath become necessary for wife or not?
1. In islam can you listen to self hypnosis? Basically self hypnosis is deep relaxation then you do visualisation or make suggestions. I want to know is it haram or halal?
2. What about meditation, is it halal or haram?
Q: I wanted to know if a man has given his wife one Talaq and the iddat period is long over one year. Can the man marry her again if both agree or does she have to first remarry someone else before he can get married to her again in the Shafi Mathab.
Q: Licking lips in salaah out of dryness, will it break the Salaah?
Q: Can a person keep fasting with an intention that its sawaab or reward should be given to someone who has passed away?