Wedding walk ins

Q: What is the ruling of wedding walk ins in Islam? If I can put it like that. When the reception or walima is held alot of people have their families walk down the isle in the halls, like first the brides's families and then the boys families and the guests all sit around viewing this. Mixed genders. is this permissible? I don't think this conforms to sunnah. Correct me if I am wrong!

Giving money to a student to assist him in his studies for the missed fast and salaah of one's father

Q: Dad was ill in hospital and shortly after he got admitted he passed away. He did not give wasiyat for his missed fast and salaah, so I've taken it upon myself to fulfil some sort of kaffarah (fidyah) on his behalf, and insha'allah Allah will accept.

In terms of spending the kaffarah (fidyah), there is a young baligh male who is from a poor family and needs to sort out his final year of studies in order for him to get his degree/diploma in order to move forward with his life.

Is it possible for me to give him the money or a 3rd party who is currently financially responsible for his payments to pay off his final year of studies?

Car dealership helping the customer acquire a credit facility with interest

Q: Is it permissible to own a car dealership whereby you sell cars to customers borrowing money from the bank and are paying interest?

From my understanding, even to witness the transaction is a sin. In this case we may be encouraging it to make a sale and helping the customer get finance. Is the profit from the sale halaal?

In some instances the banks give the dealers a kickback for arranging the finance with them, would this money be halaal?

Repenting for causing inconvenience to one's non-Muslim neighbour who passed away

Q: If at some point in a person’s life he would disturb a non-Muslim neighbour of his in a way where there was this sort of pipe thing outside his house such that it was loose and when moved back and forth it would make a noise inside the house. So at times where he repeatedly pushed that back and forth and times where he climbed into this neighbour’s garden numerous times without permission and at times the neighbour may have come out angry at this. The neighbour has passed away now. What do I do?

Imaam making intention of fardh salaah after starting the salaah

Q: I was the imam in a salaah while travelling, a few other travellers also stopped, joined us and we performed salaah.

We had departed after Fajr, and had decided we will stop for Zohr at this location. After stopping we had meals etc. made wudhu and went to perform salaah.

At the time of starting the 2 rakaat jamaat salaah, I don't remember having a definite intention of performing Zohr Salah itself, although it was for this very reason we stopped. After saying the takbir the thought came into my mind that what salah am I performing? Is it Asr? Then I immediately realised no its Zohr.

After salaah I mentioned this to an alim there who said its fine, since we stopped for that very reason so "ilm" was evident, and "amal" as well was evident. When these two are found then this is sufficient, its not necessary to make the specific intention before salah.

1. Is this correct? Is the salah valid?

2. If it is invalid, what should one do when the musallis behind one cannot be traced?