Rainbow chicken

Q: I would like to know what is the Islamic ruling with regard to consuming Rainbow chicken and other mass slaughtered chicken in SA. Are they halaal or haraam to eat?

Interest money

Q: Please I am from Tunis. My son has a million in a bank so after 11 years he find "agios" "faida". I want to ask you if he can spend this money for his study?

Wazifa for marital problems

Q: Tell me a wazifa for my husband. I do everything, even if I am pregnant, I do all the house hold work myself, try to keep my husband and in-laws happy  but I failed. In 6 years of my married life, I have no friends and my husband always teases and insults me. Please help me.

Impurity on one's shoes

Q: It was raining outside, the sole of my shoes were wet, they touched the top part of my other shoe. The shoes are made of absorbent cotton material. I understand that doubt cannot uplift certainty. But I know that I must have stepped on some kind of najis some where so I think the top part of my shoe became impure, but even if I did there was no trace of it. Also before I stepped on my other shoe I walked for a bit on wet ground, would that have cleaned up the sole of my shoe? I suffer from waswasas as well.

Marital problems

Q: My husband is never home. He comes from work and is perpetually at a meeting. Married for 15 years with 3 children. He leaves at 7 and returns at 2 am. I have made sabar for years now. He is not fulfilling my needs of companionship or intimacy. What is my way forward? This is disrespectful and selfish. Please help me make a decision within Shariah.