Has Dajjaal appeared?
Q: There is a rumour that Dajjaal has already appeared in Israel. Is it true?
Q: There is a rumour that Dajjaal has already appeared in Israel. Is it true?
Q: Sometimes you have this feeling that all what you are doing in the name of Islam is just for show off (to people) and sometimes you are not too satisfied after doing a good deed like praying, charity or any ibadah for the fact that you think all what you are doing is just hypocritical. You never have this feeling of sincerity to please Allah anymore. You always look good on the outside (for e.g you pray 5 times daily very often in the Masjid, you fast optional fasting, etc), but deep inside, very deep inside you, you have this weakness and very dangerous thoughts about God and this brings unhappiness and guilt in you. Please how can I get rid of this and what is the root cause of this?
Q: I have been married now for 15 years. I have three children. My son is doing hifz. I just found out that my husband has been closely associated with a mutual friend. He has helped her purchase a car and often chats and gives her company as her husband has left her. She is Muslim but frequents clubs and night life. He enjoys this life too as he is never home with my kids and I. It was posted on facebook by her husband that my husband is a lucky guy because he has her. I don't wish to share a life with this man anymore as he has disrespected me and does not give me the companionship I desire. I have asked him to set me free and grant me my three talaaqs. He won't. Mufti I don't think its fair that he has best of both worlds. I realised I have sinned by asking for talaaq. What do I do to repent and what advice do you have for me on how to deal with this problem as I cannot bear to look at him. He feels like dirty trash to me.please help me.
Q: I am a revert. I have sent a question before asking about divorcing my husband. My husband is having relationships with other non muslim women. Takes them on coffee dates. Compliments them etc. I have gone to the Jamiatul ulama SA and my husband just says what they want to hear but he doesn't change his ways. They also don't follow up. Can I commit suicide? I'm tired of lies, fake Muslims and him.
Q: Give me a zikr or wazifa which is best to recite in shop for bussiness and from evil eye.
Q: I am suffering from urinary incontinence, urine leakage comes all the time even during the time of ghusl and bath. How should I make ghusal?
Q: I hope you are doing good. I have a question about ayat e karima. I was born and raised in South Asia so people over their have gatherings where they finish 125000 times ayat e karima. I have heard many times that you need to finish it 125000 times for a specific problem. I am going through some extremely serious problems of my life. I have two questions.
1. I am reading ayat e kareema all night from 12:00am-fajar and finishing 11000 times daily. I have heard that if I finish it in 40 days Insha Allah my troubles and problems will be gone by the blessing and mercy of Allah. I wanted to confirm the authenticity of the number.
2. The second and last question is one of the aamils told me that if I will read it so much, it's so jalali that it can also harm me or make me crazy or something and I am like how Allah's ayah can drive someone crazy. Zikr is always a source of relief and peace. How could that be please guide me here.
Q: Many a time, when making tashkeel of people, we tell them, "How will we answer to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) on the Day of Qiyamah if we don't go out in jamaat?" Or "What answer will we have for the non muslims on the Day of Qiyamah, when they come to us and say "You never brought the message to us'?" I was under the impression that we will only be questioned by Allah Ta'ala regarding life, youth, wealth and knowledge.
1) Are these statements made during tashkeel in keeping with the beliefs of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'ah regarding events that will occur on the Day Qiyamah?
2) Will there be other forums/gatherings where people will interact and converse amongst themselves? If so, pls provide proofs in English.
3) Should we continue giving this type of "targheeb" or refrain?
Q: A friend of mine was told by his sheikh that it is ok if he does not wear his topi to work. I was going to tell him to ask what the wisdom behind that was. I know with all the stuff that is going on it could be a reason. But it does not sit well with me. The Yahood wear there hats. The Sikhs wear there turbnans. Why should us Muslims be afraid to be Muslims or shy away just for there work places. Please explain me the wisdom because I keep getting bad thoughts towards his sheikh. I stop them as best as I can. But it is just bothering me.
Q: I have a pdf copy of Sahih Al- Bukhari which is translated by Dr Muhsin Khan. His hadith can be found on Sunnah.com. I just wanted to inquire if his translation is correct and if I can follow hadith translated by him.