Working with cargo at the airport

Q: I am working in an airport in the cargo handling department. My job is to fill out the documentation, count the number of pieces, make the carts ready for flight, store the cargo in the warehouse racks, etc. Sometimes, the cargo is alcohol or cigarettes, but it is less than 5% of all cargo we handle. Is it permissible for me to work in this job?

Qadha Salaah after asr

Q: I understand that one can pray only qadha prayers after fajr and asr, but no nawafil salah. In the case of praying qadha prayers after asr, what time should they stop praying? How many minutes before sunset as this time is haraam to pray?

Selling replicas of branded items


1. I am planning to sell clothes and bags, some of which are original designs, but some are exact replicas of international brands. Since copying any branded item is forbidden by the law of all countries, and copying any such item means violating copyrights, is it haraam for me to sell such products? I will mention that these products are copies and not original.

2. If I sell a sleeveless dress or a dress that has net sleeves, will it be haraam if I know that the woman buying it will wear it in front of non-mahrams? Since I know that she does not cover herself, will I be helping her in sinning and will my earning be haraam?

Aqidah at Tahawiyyah

Q: I have a brief question on Aqidah at Tahawiyyah. When I studied the matan, I was told that all scholars agree that the beliefs in Aqidah at Tahawiyyah are considered as sound by the consensus of all scholars. Unfortunately, the shaikh did not provide a reference for this quote. Can you please inform me of some of the scholars that have mentioned this Ijma?

Urine splashes

Q: I was urinating in the toilet, I was careful not to try and avoid any splash back so I put some tissue into the toilet. After urinating I noticed 2 specks of urine on my left fingers. I could not see any other specks of urine. Are specks of urine overlooked completely. Also I was washing my private area, I find it easy to use the tap and run water over it, that is the only way at work, after water had run off my private area (penis) some water splashed back. Is this water najis or not?