Playing in the pool with an ustaad

Q: An activity would be coming up for students hosted by ustaads. Please advise as a student would it be more respectful to involve your asaatiza in the fun that you are having or not. E.g. There are swimming facilities available (totally according and abiding by the laws of shariah) would it be considered disrespectful if the student splashes water on the ustaad, bearing in mind that it was only done out of muhabbat, shafqat and for the sole reason of having fun with an ustaad. Aside from that please provide a few guidelines indicating the manner of respect when dealing or being in the company of asaatiza.

Nikaah without witnesses

Q: My question is on the validity of Nikaah. Is the nikaah valid by mere confession between a boy and a girl that they accept each other as husband and wife? without any supplication or dua ?and without anybody's permission? And also what will be the kaffara if they are doing so?


Q: I am 15 years old girl. Alhamdulliah I wear a hijab whenever I go out. My problem is that I masturbate, and I feel extremely guilty about it because I know it's wrong but I still can't stop myself. Whenever I go out even though i'm covered I still want the boys to look at me (I know it's very wrong). Whenever I stand in front of the mirror I think that I'm so pretty. I don't know I really want to get close to Allah but I fail every time. I don't feel like praying, I am always tired. I don't know if it's right to say but I hate myself, I hate the fact that I'm alive. I am nothing but a shame. I really want to get close to Allah. I am so scared every time that what if I die suddenly, Allah is never going to forgive me. I don't even know how to explain all my feelings to you. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say because it's impossible to express my feelings.