Pleasing the husband


1. Is it wrong for me to get upset with my husband if he only takes me to the haram for a few hours, where I'd like to spend more time?

2. Would this be regarded as waswasah if it is wrong?

3. If it's waswasah what should I do or read?

Being unable to cry

Q: I have come to Saudi for Hajj. I was first in Medina where I would cry a lot out of repentance and when I used to make dua, after a few days I have gone so hard that I can not cry any longer, even though I pretend to cry it's very difficult, is this a bad thing? Is this a sign of my Duaas not been accepted? If so please advice me as what to do.

Difficulty in doing good deeds

Q: I have a very serious concern. Sometimes when our spirituality goes down, we find it very difficult to perform good deeds, or to be steadfast in performing them regularly, we become very weak and sometimes we become so guilty that bad thoughts and ideas crosses our mind very frequently, and for the one who is concerned for his Iman, it brings great pain and dissatisfaction to the heart. Please I want to know how can someone be able to preserve and maintain his Iman forever. And secondly, if we find ourselves weak in Iman, (that causes us pain sometimes), how to increase it again so that we can feel it in our heart, the sweetness of it?