Marrying one's maternal aunt's granddaughter
Q: I just want to know about Nikaah with who I can get married. Can I get married to my Khala's daughter's daughter?
Q: I just want to know about Nikaah with who I can get married. Can I get married to my Khala's daughter's daughter?
Q: What is the correct manner of reading the dua after Salaah with regard to reading it loud or soft. Should the dua be made audible (loud) or inaudible (soft)? In our musjid the Imaam starts the duaa loud and reads the first part loud then remains silent and reads the duaa silently, thereafter he reads the ending of the duaa loudly again. Is this correct or is it a bid'a?
Q: Will my wudhu break if I wash potty/toilet of my child. Do I need to perform wudhu again?
Q: If a person misses the first two rakaats of faradh namaaz, the Imam Saheb will recite only Surah Faatiha in the last two Rakats (which the person has attended), should he (the person) recite only Surah Fatihah in his last two rakaats?
Q: Can you please explain the term mustahab. I know it means preferable but I don't fully understand the term.
Q: In janaza Salaah I heard after three rows it is mustahab to have odd rows. Should we make special effort to make odd rows if they are 7 or 8 safs?
Q: In surah qamar the jaraadum muntashir has come. I did not understand the tashbeeh. Can you please explain.
Q: Just wanted to enquire if the name Nabila is good name to keep for a baby girl?
Q: I am a 21 year old girl and my original hair colour is black, last year I did colour it blond and now its looking bad like two hair colours. I am also married. I heard that its not allowed to colour hair black in Islam. Is that true? If yes then why? I just want my natural hair black and I can't trim it either.
Q: I used to read Quran sharif with the meaning and with that I used to read hadith books. I don't know where I have mistaken because since then when I read Quran sharif I can not sleep. please answer me.