Christianity and Judaism


1. As we know, in comparison to all world views and the other Abrahamic religions, we are the Ummatan Wasataa. Jews have strict laws (kosher) but little Ilm, belief and theology whereas Christianity is mainly belief and theology but very little law. According to Islam, did Christianity originally have laws, halaal and haraam and/or is this modern day Christianity wrong and changed in the sense that they claim that all is needed is the belief in Jesus as the lord and saviour?

2. Out of all the faiths and beliefs, including Abrahamic faiths, Judaism is the most closest to Islam. If their theology, belief and creed is most similar to ours (Islam), why is it that they will suffer a more harsh and severe punishment in Jahannum?

Impurity falling on a book

Q: If urine or testis have fallen on books and the book pages become wet by such impure things can they be used ever? I am always in a doubt that my books will get contaminated with such thing as I have a bladder problem. I am in great danger. I am always wasting my time thinking about it. Help me!!

Irregular bleeding

Q: I am a 29 years old woman. I never had a fixed cycle since I got baaligh. Sometimes I bleed after 35 days and next time after 2 to 3 months. Sometimes bleeding continue for 4 days and other times for 6 days. I never know when will I bleed. Bleeding always lasts between 3 to 10 days, means it is never less than 3 days and never more than 10 days. After it stops it never comes before 30 days, but may not come sometimes even for 2 to 3 months. During the days when I am bleeding it also happens many times that I bleed for 3 days, then it stops completely for 1 to 2 days and then again few drops will come sometimes during next 2 to 3 days. I had 2 children, first time nifas bleeding continued irregularly for 55 days stopping in between completely for 3-5 days and then starting again. Second time nifas came 4-5 days only and then 1 or 2 drops used to come sometimes in a day for 20-30 days. This 1 or 2 drops was not coming everyday but only once in 3-4 days. Till now what I do is when I see blood I stop doing namaz and roza and when blood stops I bath and do my prayer. In my second nifas after 5-6 days I started praying and I used to bath and continue with prayers after this drop of blood used to come. Kindly advise me what I should do in this situation during haidh and nifas both please regarding salah, saum and intercourse?

Sitting on a chair and performing Salaah

Q: Many persons due to medical reasons decide that they need to use a chair for Salah with Jamat and they do not consult a reputable scholar, thinking that a doctor's certification or a medical note is sufficient justification.

1. Is this rationale correct?

2. What is the status of a person's Salah in Shar'iah if he uses a chair for Salah when in fact he is not entitled to?

3. Exactly when is a person permitted to use a chair for Salah in Jamaat or otherwise?