The name "Barrah"
Q: Are we allowed to keep the name barrah. I read it's not permissible. Is that correct and also what is the meaning of barrah?
Q: Are we allowed to keep the name barrah. I read it's not permissible. Is that correct and also what is the meaning of barrah?
Q: Can the name Arham be kept for a boy?
Q: Is there any un Arabic words in the Quran? One Arab said there is.
Q: On the night of me'raj did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) see Allah Ta'ala with his eye?
Q: If one is travelling in a plane and wants to read salah with another brother in jamaat, in the limited space at the back of the plane would it be permissible due to space being limited:
Q: In surah faatiha, in the 13 line script we use, after the first ayat there is the laam alif (continue without stopping sign). However we hear the hadith where Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said to the effect that one should read the first ayah and stop, the second and then stop etc. What should one do, stop or continue?
Q: I prayed asr or Dhuhr I think, and I think in 2nd rak'ah I said ayah of al Faatihah wrong but was not sure so I ignored it and on the third rak'aat I noticed it was probably wrong so I took the 3rd rak'aat as 2nd and finished like normal and then did 2 sujood sahw. Any thing wrong with this?
Q: I need help urgently. I have been married for more than four months. We have had problems with the husband's family and them not likening me and I also have been taking my anger out on my husband but now he has left me at his mothers house and not speaking with me or letting me know where he is! I am really scared and I want him back. Please help me. I want my husband to understand me and come back to me and his family to stop causing trouble for us and he is being controlled by his mum, sister and his family.
Q: What is the status of wealth on which zakaat is not paid. I am a student and my father does not pay zakaat. Is it permissible for me to use the money he gives me for all my needs, studies, etc?
Q: Will aqeeqa be done if it is done the day after the child is born and will the reward still be attained?