Becoming a Muslim in order to get married

Q: My question is that, I loved and liked one Thai girl. She also loved and liked me and she agreed to become a Muslim and marry me but she suddenly changed her mine maybe because of her sister. She confirmed with promises and she was ready to become a Muslim and marry me after her graduation next year. But now what happened to her. I love and liked her too much and I am very upset and sad and now I can not sleep and can not eat. My condition is not good. I would like to ask you that, I have true and real love for her and I want that she becomes a Muslim and marries me. If my heart and mind and love is 100% true for her from my deep heart, will I really get back to her and will she contact me again? Kindly  tell me any wazeefa for that.

Repeating an ayah of Surah Faatiha

Q: In Salaah, I recited in my last rak'aat  "Ihdina siraatal mustaqeem". But when I tried to do the Qaf with kasra it was like kaaf and so I recited it again, but this time the ta in Al-Mustaqeem was not properly audible I think, but I moved my tongue to say it and I guess I now think the second time I recited it, it was acceptable - but at the time my mind was like blank, I thought of both carrying on and saying it again and as I was quite pressured because I did not want to remain silent without reciting anything I said it again for a third time, but now I wonder is my prayer invalid because both times when I recited after the initial mistake were acceptable, so is it like I made a purpose addition in my Salaah or am I excused?

Does the following construe a divorce

Q: In an argument with my wife she said she wants a divorce. Later that day I sent these text messages. If you want to leave me speak to your dad, you know what to do. If you want to leave me, go and get  khula, go to the shariah council. I had no intention of divorce. In a later message I also said I have no intention of leaving you. Has divorce taken place.

Qadha for fasts that were missed due to haidh

Q: Last year I wasn't able to fast all my excused days that I broke my fast in ramadhan. I heard from someone before that if you didn't fast all your excused days before the coming ramadhan then you have to pay a specific amount of zakaat according to how many days you left. I had 7 excused days in ramadhan and was only able to fast 5 days. So I had 2 days that I didn't fast from my excused days. I am not sure what I am supposed to do.

Following a mazhab

Q: Do we really need to follow a Mazhab?If yes why didn't the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or his companions not do so? My friends confused me with this points because I know that we cannot add anything to Islam unless it's told or practised by the prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).


Q: It it the belief of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah that Allah knows all what has happened, all that is happening, and all what will happen - it does not
befit His Majesty to not know. So could you kindly explain the meaning of this Hadith which the guest Mawlana mentioned in a Jumuah bayan but did not elaborate upon and which caused some confusion: "Nothing can change the Divine decree except du'aa".

Spotting after the haidh period

Q: My question for today is I did ghusul on 18th of May but from 23rd I am spotting blood and despite spotting blood I was still praying and on 26th I was fasting again despite spotting blood. I told one Muslim lady and she told me my fasting is makrooh so I had to open my fast. I didn't pray on the 26th till the 28th but I did ghusul and I am fasting on the 29th but in the morning again I spotted blood so I just wanted to know am I allowed to fast and pray despite blood spotting or not?