Keeping the name "Muhammad Sanaullah"
Q: Alhamdullillah I am blessed with a boy. I want to name my son Muhammad Sanaullah. Please advise if I can keep such a name?
Q: Alhamdullillah I am blessed with a boy. I want to name my son Muhammad Sanaullah. Please advise if I can keep such a name?
Q: Can a person walk round the house naked when everyone else is fast asleep and he has no fear than anyone will wake up and see him?
Q: Is it permissible for a woman to do qira'ate sab'ah or asharah?
Q: In order to prevent my cough in Salaah, I halted for the duration of three subhaanallah. Should I make sajdah sahw?
Q: Can I give out charity on behalf of my parents who are alive?
Q: Can I offer salaah with my husband and do I have to recite iqamah to offer Salah only with him?
Q: Is it wrong for a wife to go home on Tuesdays and Satardays as we know the jins are spread everywhere in these days so there is a fear of possessing jins?
Q: I have the health and wealth alhumdulillah to preform hajj. But I'm 16 and the Saudi government doesn't allow anyone aged 16 to come without a parent or mahram. And I don't have any family I can go with. And my parents don't allow me to go with a group. And my parents say they can't come with me they don't have the money. Also my parents say if you get severely ill due to the heat or flu or temperature who will take care of you, so my dad said to me wait one year and I'll earn money to go with you next year. What should I do, will I get sin in delaying my fard hajj? Should I wait one year?
Q: If my father stops me from fasting and says no don't fast tommorow I don't want you to. Should I fast or not?
Q: Can I see my wifes body? Is it allowed to have bath at the same time in the bathroom?