Shaving the moustache
Q: What is the ruling regarding shaving the moustache with a blade?
Q: What is the ruling regarding shaving the moustache with a blade?
Q: I have heard that there are two types of Hijab; one that covers the entire body except for the eyes and the other that covers the entire body except for the face and hands. Which of these hijabs is permissible in the Hanafi fiqh?
Q: In the Qur'an Surah 30 Verse 21 it is stated that Allah Ta'ala has created for you mates from yourselves. Does it mean that my wife is created from my own body or something else?
Q: I have a problem with my bladder (over-active bladder) where I find it difficult to control it so at times I have wet myself and it has gone on the
carpet (a few drops) and with impure hands I have accidentally touched a door handle or wall. Now if I touch the same part with pure hands will my hands become impure or stand on the carpet with wet feet will it make my feet impure? Also I have a problem with a fluid that sometimes comes out of my private part. I always wash it but sometimes I don't realise it has come out until I dry myself after a shower but I have with the same hands touched the carpet or door handle or wall and put the towel on the floor, now if I touch the same part again will it make my hand or feet impure?
Q: My aunty is paralysed and can not eat with he mouth. She has a pipe in the nose for getting milk. She is in this condition for two years. She was
paralysed on the right side, now for the past three months she is totally paralysed on both sides and she is unconscious (not opening her eyes). Please tell me what should we read for her.
Q: People consume wine which is ethyl alcohol but there are many complex compounds which end with ol but they are considered alcohol in physical chemistry? Is it permissible to use perfume contain alcohol related compounds ending with ol? Is it permissible to use soap or cleaning material contain alcohol related compounds ending with ol in the hospital as I work in a hospital as a medical consultant so I have to wash my hands after seeing each patient?
Q: Can anyone keep a nazr like this that I will slaughter a goat, will give sadqah etc if my some ill relative is cured or on a time of any calamity etc?
Q: I got into a fight with my wife for listening to zikr of Allah Ta'ala and it got to this that I told her that if she will listen to it again then I will give her talaaq. Then I left for mosque but when I came back from mosque I appolgize for using these words. I have used this word once before also but I had no intention of saying it, it just came out in anger. Can you please let us know where we stand and can I give some kuffara for using this?
Q: Please provide some information regarding the Sahaabiya Sahla bint Suhail (Radiyallahu Anha).
Q: If a woman has children and the children’s father passed away, and the woman’s parents want to give the orphan grandchildren’s property to the woman’s brother, then do they have the right to do so? If not, then what should the woman do? Should she fight her parents and brother to take her children’s money and property back or should she ignore it and leave if for the Day of Judgement?