Entertaining thoughts of a strange man

Q: I have a question concerning marriage. I'm a 21 year old female and I've recently met someone at a friends wedding. My parents don't want me to get married yet as I'm studying towards a degree, so I haven't told them about my interest, the man i've met also doesn't know about my interest. I refuse to get into a relationship with him as I'm aware its haraam. I am however extremely impressed with his character and feel that he would make a great spouse. My question is, Is it possible to make dua to marry this specific person? And if so what should i read?

Assisting a non-muslim to clear up haraam items

Q: I have been practicing Islam for maybe nearly two years and I keep getting into situations that a difficult and hard for me, because I do not know what is the best thing to do at certain times.

  1. One thing I am not sure about is if it is cooperating in sin and transgression / disrespectful to Allah / sinful if a Muslim helped a non-Muslim family member tidy up (the non-Muslims) empty beer bottles and also helped the non-Muslim family member by tidying up haram food packaging?
  2. What is best for the Muslim to do if the Muslim wants to help the non-Muslim clean plates/tables that had haram food left over’s on them?

The non-Muslim family member has physical health problems and sometimes struggles with cleaning and the Muslim wants to also help the non-Muslim family member realize Islam is the truth.

Meezan Bank

Q: I want to know that meezan bank saving account is good or not. All the details are included below.

Meezan Bachat Account is a unique saving account that provides high expected monthly returns with the flexibility to withdraw savings if needed. Meezan Bachat Account offers a higher expected rate of return with nearly the same convenience and service of a regular savings account.

Meezan Bachat Account can be opened by Salaried or Self-employed, Housewives and Retired individuals.

On agreeing to become a Meezan Bachat Account holder, the customer enters into a relationship based on Mudarabah with Meezan Bank. Under this relationship, the customer is an Investor (Rab-ul-Maal) and the Bank is the Manager (Mudarib) of the funds deposited by the customers. The Bank allocates the funds received from the customers to a deposit pool; funds from the pool are utilized to provide financing to customers under Islamic modes that include, but are not restricted to Murabaha, Ijarah, Istisna and Diminishing Musharkah.

Minimum investment required to open an account is Rs. 50,000/-

Maximum balance limit (threshold) for getting a higher profit weightage is Rs. 25,000,000/-

Free issuance of Cheque Book

Free issuance of Pay Order

Free Online Banking service at all Meezan Bank branches

Free Internet Banking facility

Profit will be calculated on the Daily Product Basis

A lower weightage will be applicable for profit calculation if the daily

Closing balance of the account exceeds a specified threshold (currently Rs. 25,000,000/-)

Profit payment is made to your Meezan Bank account on a monthly basis.

Provident Fund

Q: My question is related to provident fund. I have resigned from my current job and inshaallah would be joining another company within short time. Till the time I resign I had no control on my provident fund money (as usual employer was deducting a portion of salary as PF) now due to resignation I have 2 options for the amount of money which is there in my PF account.

  1. I can transfer my PF money to new account which will be maintained by my new company. This will give the benefit of compounded interest earned and going further if I complete certain years I will be getting additional pension benefits and tax savings.
  2. I can withdraw the currently accumulated PF money and use it, through the new company I have to open new account starting with zero balance. Later as part of salary PF portion will be put in by company.

I have read that interest earned on PF is gift as employee does not have control (ikhtiyar) on the money deducted by employer, in above mentioned
options I feel that option-1 is like Voluntary PF as (due to resignation I have control or choice it to withdraw ) but considering the compounded
interest and other benefits im willingly putting my money to new employers new PF account and according to FIQH voluntary PF is not allowed.

Please guide me in the light of Quran and Sunnah to which of the option to choose from and whether transferring the PF money (option-1) will be haraam as it includes interest earning by choice.

Bleeding lips

Q: Regarding a ma'zoor person, when I wake up for fajr I sometimes have bleeding lips due to dryness. I have to delay fajr till the end time and then pray it. So how will I know whether I need to repeat the fajr or not? Most likely sometime after sunrise it will stop bleeding. So would I have to
repeat my fajr? What if it stops bleeding sometime during zuhr time?

Refraining from joining people who have unpleasant ways and behaviours

Q: I have a bit of a dilemma. I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I find it very hard to make friends. The friends I have are very loud spoken and speak to me with no respect and are rude to me, but i don't tell anyone because I don't want people thinking bad about them. But recently I feel so hurt with the way that they treat me I think bad thoughts, for example I wish bad upon them. I don't know how to stop thinking like that and I really want to stop! Example today they all ganged up on me because I told my mother that boys stay over at their house but I was not spreading rumors, I was just telling my mother because I was at their house at the time and they blame me for their parents stressing as we are studying away from home so basically I was labled as the bad one. Basically I just want to know how to react or handle their behavior and should I approach them and tell them how I feel? But they get very angry and it has to be their way so I really don't know what to do! I am also studying away from home and I do not like it and I am very unhappy. Please help me!