Reciting Quraan while lying in bed
Q: Can I read Quraan while lying in bed? I am not ill.
Q: Can I read Quraan while lying in bed? I am not ill.
Q: A family from Syria is eligible for zakaat. They wish to visit the birth of their grandson in another country. If someone pays for their plane ticket, can it be considered zakaat?
Q: Can I offer namaaz while wearing glasses?
Q: We are always advised by Ulama to get married early but on the other hand we are also supposed to provide for our spouse and most of the boys get financially stable or land a job only up until their mid to late 20s (atleast where I am from).
I have also heard that it is the duty of parents to get their child married on becoming baaligh.
My question is, how can we acheive balance in it when it is not possible to get financially independent early but it is also necessary for a husband to provide.
For example, when I was 17, an Aalim advised me to get married at a majlis, but how can a 17 year old fulfill the right to provide?
What is the extent of financial capability and what is the role of parents here (in light of that they are told to get children married)?
Q: If a person, who in ignorance, took out an interest loan, thereafter realized his sin, made sincere taubah and made a promise to Allah never to take such loans again. However he still has the debt/loan to pay off and he doesn't have the full amount to settle it. Now going forward, does he still fall under the curse of Nabi (salallahu alayhi wa sallam), as he still has to pay off the loan and he will still be paying interest? Please advise whats the way to correct the situation.
Q: Please advise the shariah ruling regarding giving sinni (gifts) when a child is born.
Q: Is it true that during the period of nifaas (after child birth), women should not go out of the house? Should they not go to their parents house also?
Q: Is it permissible to ask for a separate home from one's husband?
Q: Is it permissible to open an interest-bearing bank account with the only intention of donating the accrued interest to a non-Muslim cat feeding organisation?
Q: I am 55 years old and I have a disability on my left leg due to which I have great difficulty in walking even a few steps. Now I use a leg brace due to which I can walk even 1 km. However, I have to wear a trouser first so that the brace does not damage my skin. What should I do in ihraam?