Q: I wanted to know if this is allowed: Someone told me to ask a pious person to write out surah ahzab and then I should keep it with my things in order to get proposals. Are we allowed to do this?
Q: I wanted to know if this is allowed: Someone told me to ask a pious person to write out surah ahzab and then I should keep it with my things in order to get proposals. Are we allowed to do this?
Q: Did both Hazrat Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) and Hazrat Khadija (Radiyallahu Anha) receive Salaams from Allah Ta'ala via Jibra'eel (Alayhis Salaam)?
Q: I was always thought Ghusl is performed in the following manner. First you must clean the area that is napaak. Then you gargle. Then you clean your nose. And then you wash your entire body thoroughly such that no hair on your body is dry. Are these steps correct?
Q: What are the words for the iqamah? I have heard some people say that everything must be repeated twice and some say that most of the words are repeated once and only the ending is repeated twice.
Q: I am running a computer business for the last 18 years alhamdulillah. It was going well but for the last 2 years it has been going slow. I am thinking if I should close down the business or what should I do please advise me.
Q: Is there any virtue in keeping a childs name Maryam?
Q: I wanted to know, is it sunnah not to drink whilst eating?A reference would be appreciated.
Q: If a man does not have jima' with his wife but foreplay etc takes place, will she be regarded as ghair madkhool bihaa when it comes to talaaq?
Meaning can he give her talaaq in haidh and would she be baain after one talaaq?
Q: A person read in his Awwabeen Salaah a portion of his qiraat alound and a portion softly. Is his Salaah valid? If valid, is sajda-e-sahw waajib upon him?
Q: What is the the authenticity of the following hadith? I want to know because it presents a strong proof for pardah. “Indeed the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) prohibited women to talk (to Ghair-Mahram men) without the permission of their husbands.” (Tabrani)