Contributing towards the maintenance of one's child after talaaq

Q: I married a person knowing all his situations and all. He has already given divocre to a lady who was his cousin, then he married me and that lady married someone else and my husband had a son from her! Now the issue is that the lady (ex-wife) of my husband took divorce from her second husband as well and back to her parents house living with her son. My husband now suggested her parents that not to marry her again because he'll fulfill all her and their child's requirements and will provide her with shelter and money to spend her life. I want to know what Allah and his Rasool sallalahu alayhe wasslam say about a non-mehram man taking responsibility of a woman?

Becoming spiritually motivated to do ibaadat

Q: I would like to know how do I get back spiritually to ibadaats because I'm so worried after years it took me so long to grow a beard an then perform my salaah an did it constant for 2 years all of a sudden I feel I lost the plot, not interested, that feeling is no more there and feeling down and out financially depressed too much of pressure and losing hope. Please guide me. I'm aware of neglecting my salaah but I don't.

Trading after the Azaan of Jumuah

Q: I would like to know which Azaan is referred to in the Quranic ayat which prohibits us from conducting any business after the Azaan of Jumuah, is it the first Azaan or the second which is given infront of the mimbar? Secondly what are the consequences with regards to the wealth earned after
the Azaan has gone?