Inheritance - adopted child


  1. My question is that if a child is adopted in his very lesser age and in certificates also his father name is mentioned the adopted father. And If both these parents died with out any formal will for their wealth and properties, does this child has the right to claim the properties along with the other born children of those parents?

  2. If the mother says to give the equal right the adopted child is it compulsory to give part in that property. Please explain me in details as per shariath.



  1. How do you make repentance?
  2. hat do you say to Allah when you repent? Say this will be enough? "Allah for give all of my sins"?
  3. Do you need to raise your hands like do in dua?

Imaam breaking his wudhu

Q: If the Imam breaks his wudhu during salaah, does the entire congregation need to break their salaah and wait for the Imam to do wudhu and then restart the salaah or can the Imam select a person from behind to complete the salaah while the Imam goes to do wudhu?



  1. Is there anything in Islam that one should not see his or her face or body in mirror at night?
  2. Is it necessary for a women to wash her hair or nails which shed off at the time of haidh while reciting kalimah shahadah before disposing of if?

Removing pubic hair

Q: When it comes to removing the hair from the private parts, there is a natural line from where the private parts start below which all hair is to be
removed. My question is does the hair between the naval and the natural line need to be removed?