Making nikaah on the day of Aashura
Q: What is the significance of performing nikaah on the day of Aashura? Is there any special virtue in this?
Q: What is the significance of performing nikaah on the day of Aashura? Is there any special virtue in this?
Q: I used a leather Moza and it needed to be rinsed due to getting wet with dirty water. After rinsing it I removed it and found it to be damp on the inner side near the seems. I've read that Moza need to be water proof but I see the stitches don't allow that.
Q: A landlord makes an estimate of costs for effecting repairs to damages caused by a tenant on his property. Upon receipt of the claim from the landlord, the tenant makes payment without question. Subsequently, the landlord effects repairs to all the damage but the total cost turns out to be
much less that what the landlord had billed the tenant. Is the landlord obliged to refund the tenant the excess recovered?
Q: What is the حیثیت of reading kalimas before sleeping?
Q: I would like to find out if it is permissible to read for and blow onto our house pets when they are sick?
Q: What should be done if while praying one is not sure if they broke their wudhu due to wind? I often try to hold the wind but I am not sure if
I was able to hold it or if I let it out slowly?
Q: How long does the Aa in Aameen have to be stretched for?
Q: In Ruku are the elbows meant to be tucked in or sticking out?
Q: When sitting in qaeda position where does one look? At the hands, knees or lap?