Inside of the leather socks becoming damp

Q: I used a leather Moza and it needed to be rinsed due to getting wet with dirty water. After rinsing it I removed it and found it to be damp on the inner side near the seems. I've read that Moza need to be water proof but I see the stitches don't allow that.

  1. Can this Moza still be used as all leather moza have stitches?
  2. Do I have to repeat all the Salaah that were performed after making masa in the Moza?
  3. If Salaah needs to be repeated, what must I do about those who read Salaah behind me as I don't know who some of them were?

Refunding excess after repairs back to the tenant

Q: A landlord makes an estimate of costs for effecting repairs to damages caused by a tenant on his property. Upon receipt of the claim from the landlord, the tenant makes payment without question. Subsequently, the landlord effects repairs to all the damage but the total cost turns out to be
much less that what the landlord had billed the tenant. Is the landlord obliged to refund the tenant the excess recovered?

Joining the jamaat late


  1. If the Imam is in or has just gone in to Ruku and one joins the Jamat, do you have to drop the hands to the side and stand a few seconds after saying Allahu Akbar or can one just raise the hands, say Allahu Akbar and go straight in to Ruku?
  2. If one joins the Jamat late and before finishing reciting Attihiyyat up until Abdoohoo Wa Rasoolooh, the Imam does Salam, does the person complete the recitation of Attihiyyat or does he stand up immediately to complete the missed rakats?