Making tayammum if it is not possible to make wudhu by oneself and there is nobody to assist

Q: I found the below statement about tayammum online, is this true? 

"If performing wudu causes extreme fatigue or is too difficult due to your condition (e.g., mobility issues or severe pain), you may: Seek assistance if someone can help. Use tayammum if assistance isn't available or feasible." Is this true? 

Leaving unwanted furniture for the dirt truck to pick up

Q: My mother complained that the bags that people put next to a tree on our road gets collected quickly and that we are needlessly keeping unwanted furniture etc. in our house when it can get collected quickly and for free. She threw some of our bags in that area. 

I told her fly-tipping is wrong but she says that everyone does it. Fly-tipping is considered illegal and finable. I’m worried that she may be sinning by doing so. Does she have to repent? I’m also worried that I may have aided her as she asked for a bag to collect the waste to throw out and I reluctantly gave her.

Husband telling his wife "from now on if you tell a lie then divorce"

Q: My husband said in an argument when he was in a lot of anger because I hide some things from him. He said from now on if you tell a lie then divorce. And asked me to say these words from my mouth but I refused and started crying. So after that incident we are living happily but telling a lie means smaller lies or hiding daily basic routine things to him. So in that case I have tell lies in daily routine. After one years time, like I hide somethings, that spoil his mood so in that case is our divorce happen or not?

Misusing funds donated for a specific purpose

Q: There is a Moulana running a school for special needs children. The school was renting a premises and were looking to purchase a property. 

The Moulana told me a property was identified which would be suitable for the school. I donated 1 million rand for the purchase of the house. 

Few days later I found out that the Moulana gave the money to Hawala people as an investment. I therefore went to him and asked for the donation back as he did not use the money for what I gave (and it was clear that it was for the property). 

The Moulana confirmed my finding but said the school will get returns and I cannot get my money back because it's like I'm licking my vomit to ask for it back in light of the Shariah. 

I did not make him the owner of the money. Rather he was supposed to purchase a property with it which he did not do. I would like to know if I can demand my money back in light of the Shariah and use it in for another Lillah project.

Washing a carpet purchased from a non-Muslim

Q: I recently purchased a room carpet from a non-Muslim which I intend using as a carpet to perform Salaah on. 

There are no apparent traces of najaasat on the carpet but there are a few stains which look like they may be from food or drink. 

The carpet is too thick and big to be soaked and squeezed. In order to ensure the carpet is paak, must it be washed once, then left to dry; then washed again and left to dry, and washed a third time and left to dry; in order for it to be paak? Or will one wash and soak be sufficient?

Marrying one's foster aunt

Q: There's a girl and we like each other. Finally we decided to get married. 

The question is, she's a sister of my aunty (chachi) (my father's brother wife) and my aunty (chachi) is my foster mother as she fed me breast milk two times only while I was 18 months old. 

So am I allowed to get married to her sister or not?