Performing maghrib Salaah half and hour after the time sets in

Q: I started praying Maghrib Fardh about 30-31 mins after Maghrib started (according to the calendar) and finished 41 mins or so after Maghrib started. I am not sure if I performed it on time as it was already dark outside. Do I make up the prayer or is it valid because my intention was to pray the fardh of maghrib? I also prayed 2 sunnah what about them?

Wearing a Kurta

Q: Is it sunnah to wear a Kurta (thobe) and topi and therefore rewarding? Or is it something that was just the apparel of the time of Nabi Sallalualaihi wasalam? Does the hadith apply that if a person wears jeans and shirts then he is imitating the kuffar and would resemble them, given the fact that Muslims wear it too so its the dress of the place and era? Please provide your explanation. May Allah reward you with Jazai Khair

Having a joint reception

Q: My son's wedding date has been finalized and both parties have agreed that we will just have one joint reception and split the cost two ways. However I am now experiencing problems whereby the brides family do not want to have the separation for males and females and instead want a mixed gathering as they say that immediately after the reception you will notice the mixing of the sexes outside the hall and my wife agrees with them. What advise can Mufti give me to take to my wife and the bride's family.

Sadaqatul fitr

Q: Is it permissible to give money (Cash) as Zakaatul Fitr instead of dates or barley? Because it is very difficult to find a poor muslim who to take actual food to in the locality in which I live. Also, is it permissible to give Zakaatul-Fitr in the middle of Ramadan instead of waiting till Eid?