Meaning of a dua
Q: Is there anything wrong with this du'a?: "Oh Allaah, save us from destroying our aakhirah"?
Q: Is there anything wrong with this du'a?: "Oh Allaah, save us from destroying our aakhirah"?
Q: Is it permissible to do 2 umrahs per day after performing 1 umrah?
Q: When giving used furniture or a used car as zakat, what value must be calculated for these items?
Q: My friend got IUI done after 10 years of marriage and she was blessed with a baby girl. Now she is 1 year old, my friend wants another baby.
Is it permissible for her to get IUI done for 2nd time?
Q: Should a person suffering from premature ejacuation get married? Because he may not satisfy his wife. Is it unfair or ok with a wife though
he knows his problem?
Q: I have a non muslim friend who was asking me that muslims are not allowed to wear make up then why do you wear it? I said to her that I only
wear foundation to hide my dark circles and it looks natural so I'm not attracting. Is it still not allowed?
Q: Is sex haram once the wife completed four months of her pregnancy? Is it correct or not? Can you please answers me this question in the light
of Hadith as I am in doubt about this mas'alah?
Q: Is it ok to sleep before esha and then wake up and perform Isha before the morning? Is it right to perform Isha at 1 o'clock?
Q: I received a gift which I havent used since, meaning it is brand new. I wish to give it in kind as my zakaat. The original price of the item was R300. Do I consider it as R300 whilst distributing it as zakaat? Or does the value drop? I received it almost a year ago.
Q: Any wazifa to control my inner anger and frustration?