Royal Jelly

Q: Royal Jelly, Bee Propolis, Bee Pollen.

السلام عليكم. لا أدري كيف الترجمة الصحيحة لهذه الأشياء...و سؤالي: هل يجوز للمسلم أن يشرب (أو يأكل) هذه الأشياء لزيادة القوة و الصحة؟

Going for Hajj without a mahram

Q: A woman went on hajj without being accompanied by a mahram. She had sons, but all of them were too busy with their lives to follow her so she went in a large, safe group of women. I know this is impermissible, but what is the ruling regarding the actual hajj - was her fard of hajj fulfilled? Or was it invalid, making it fard for her to repeat the hajj?

Not disclosing one's health problems to one's spouse

Q: I want to ask a question and want fatwa. I am a psychiatric patient suffering from serious mental illness under treatment of a qualified doctor. The disease can be controlled but can't be finished. Also I had a blood disease thalesimia minor, which if my wife/partner also has (which is not tested yet), can cause to give birth to a baby with serious blood disease. I knew that before marriage and my physician told me that where you want to get married to take blood tests of the girl you want to get married to. We did not tell and hide where I was engaged my serious mental illness and blood disease which is minor. Now my wife and her family knows my mental disease because of my behaviour and medicines which I use not blood disease and she has give me a chance of few months to improve my self. If she see improvements she will decide to continue marriage with me or not. I am trying to improve my self. Is Nikaah Halaal and as we hid my mental and blood disease from my wife and her mother before marriage?

Giving preference to Salaah with Jamaat

Q: A few days back I was just leaving home to go to masjid for salaah and my uncle (who is an Aalim) came unexpectedly with some friends to drop off a parcel. I asked him if he is coming to the masjid and he said no (They were musafir). My mother was alone in the house and none of them are her mahrams so they obviously could not be in the house while I went to masjid, so they had to drop off the parcel and leave immediately. This Aalim seemed to be upset because I went to masjid and did not accommodate them. Did I do the right thing or was I supposed to miss salaah with jamaat to accommodate them?

Doubting if one made one Sajdah or two Sajdahs

Q: I sat back after prostrating and started doing 'Attahiyyatu Lillaahi Was-Salaatu Wat-tayyibat.." etc. and I then thought if I had done 2 prostrations or not, but I could only recount 1 for sure even though my feet were in such a position that I usually keep them in on the second prostration so it's probable that I did 2 so anyway I went back and said "Rabbighfirli, Rabbighfirli" and prostrated again and finished the salaah and did 2 prostrations of forgetfulness. But now I doubt whether my salaah is valid, it was more probable in my mind that I did 2 salaah, but surety was that I know I did 1 for sure and second was probable so I did 1 extra to be safe. Salaah valid or not ? Actions to take? I know I have waswasah so it would of been best to ignore the doubt. But in this case seems like I went with the doubt. Is my salah valid or should I repeat?

Goodwill/Increasing the Price of the Shop Fittings

Q: I am aware that in Shari’ah, it is not permissible to charge anything for goodwill. However, I was told that if you attribute the same excess to the ‘shop fittings’ figure for example, it will now become permissible. Is this true? How can it be permissible when the purchaser, seller and the receiver are fully aware that this inflated figure is not a true reflection of the shop fittings figure?