Learning how to play musical instruments

Q: I want to know if it is permissible for a Muslim child to learn to play a musical instrument such as the organ (electric piano) through classes at home or at a special centre. There is much talk of how music stimulates creativity brain growth and so on. With this in mind would it be haram to permit him to learn? We don't generally listen to music as a family but sometimes we watch (clean) movies or cartoons that have music in them.
Sometimes our son comes home from school and requests a certain song that he heard on the bus or his classmates singing to be played and we oblige by playing the song a few times on the computer. Is this permissible? Also what about allowing small children to listen to nursery rhymes and Islamic songs which have clean lyrics but also music in them - can they do this?

Zodiac signs


  1. Is it ok to read the Zodiac signs without believing in it firmly. Zodiac signs tell us about some things in general. Will this be permissible or will this be like going to a soothsayer?
  2. Is it permissible to wear stones or pearls? People say that they are a source of peace.

Hadith Query

Q: Many people are asking us for the reference of this bellow given hadith. Please give us the reference as example dhaif hadith or which hadith with number.

The istigfar given below is especially dedicated to women who are undergoing their Haiz(monthly periods). One should sit in attayat position if possible with wodhu and face Kiblah and recite the following zikr 70 times after each salaah( 5 times a day).

"Subhanaka Astaghfirullah illahi Laaillaha illa huwal hayool kaiyoom wa'athubu ilaikh"

This is a wonderful blessing from Almighty Allah that shows His mercy even during the time when a woman is unable to do her farls like salah and quran recitation, therefore we kindly request all women to make it a habit to gain the rewards mentioned below: 

•Reward of performing 1000 nafl rakaths.

•70 sins will be forgiven.

•For every letter in the istigfar you get a noor (brightness) on your face.

•Your status is raised in the sight of Allah.

•For every vein in your body you get the reward of one Hajj and Umrah.