Hanafi leading Shaafi'ees in Salaah

Q: I am situated an area where Hanafi madhhab is minority, and I regularly lead the salaah at the local Musallah. I am a Hanafi. Please can you clarify the following, as I don't want to create any confusion in the community:

  1. Is it permissible for me to lead the Asr salaah, even though the Shafiee time is followed?
  2. For Fajr and Zohr salaah, if I have not performed my sunnats as yet, should I decline to lead the salaah?
  3. When leading taraweeh: If majority of the jamaat performs the sajdah ​tilaawat in 17th para, and not the sajdah in 23th para, do I have to do this as well, or do I do as I have been taught?
  4. Witr in Ramadaan: Can I lead the witr, as I believe the Shafiee method is different?
  5. Recently, one of the brothers, while leading salaah performed sajdah sahw, by making both salaams, then 2 sajdahs, then immediately 2 salaams to end the ​salaah. Is the salaah correct, as I have been taught differently?
  6. I notice that the Imaams in the area say something in Arabic before the salaah, which I believe is related to straightening the saffs. Is this a sunnat, and if so, what exactly should I say.

Custody of children

Q: I have a few questions. My one son is 7 and the other is 2 and the mother has taken them away from me and moved far away where I cannot get to see my kids. The mother has moved away with both kids and is currently staying at her parents they are staying 400km from me and I find it hard to travel all the time its a costly factor as well and I do work and also the last I have seen my kids was 4 month ago. She took the kids and moved away without my permission. Majority of the day she's out of the house at work like 9 to 10 hours a day which her mum feeds, dress and take the kids to school. She is also working with non mahrams and likes to socialise with them. She also banned me from going down and seeing my kids and from phoning them. I'm not sure I can't judge but maybe she can be also involved with someone. She's telling people that she can't give me custody of my 7 year old son because there is no one to take care of him as my mother is old 75 years of age but I know my mother will take care of him because she is looking after other 7 grandchildren she feeds them take care of them some are also married today and there's also my elder nieces that are at home so when I'm at work there's always elders at home. So mufti saab how do I go about all this? If I remarry what will be my custody? The mother sits on her phone the whole time whatsapp, bbm, twitter, wechat and has very bad influencing people, friends which are divorced as well. They are far away from me 400 km distance.


Q: I am married have a son and daughter, I want to know what the inheritance percentages are supposed to be. My mother is also still alive. What is the percentage I am supposed to leave for her as well?

Investing in the stock market

Q: Is it halal to invest in Stock market like buying permissible shares like Petrol, gas, pharmaceuticals, cement etc. Since we are not the owner of the company how can we know how the owner has started that business? He may have brought some loan from the bank to start his business and later he may be introduced shares. In this case, how can we buy even halal shares and also, even if we are investing our halal amount to that share, there are million other investor who also invest their earnings (both haram and halal) in the same stock like mine. In this case, my amount is mingled with their amount and my profit is not halal. Correct me if I am wrong. Considering all this, can we say Stock as a whole is haram since we are not sure about all the investors.

Inappropriate company

Q: My husband thinks I am a salafi, just because I say "salafi" things. But I am not, I am only asking such things, so he could clarify for me. I always ask whether what i'm saying is correct or not. But he jumps to conclusions and accuses me of becoming a salafi, and believing the statements I say (which I  don't!). I have a few salafi colleagues, who talk about things and I always come home and ask him. I admit before I was married I used to believe what they said because I didn't know what was correct or not, but now I know, I always ask. We always end up arguing about these things, and he gets angry and makes a scene. I tell him to shut up, which I know is rude. But I don't want his whole family to hear us arguing. What shall I do?