Hanafi leading Shaafi'ees in Salaah
Q: I am situated an area where Hanafi madhhab is minority, and I regularly lead the salaah at the local Musallah. I am a Hanafi. Please can you clarify the following, as I don't want to create any confusion in the community:
- Is it permissible for me to lead the Asr salaah, even though the Shafiee time is followed?
- For Fajr and Zohr salaah, if I have not performed my sunnats as yet, should I decline to lead the salaah?
- When leading taraweeh: If majority of the jamaat performs the sajdah tilaawat in 17th para, and not the sajdah in 23th para, do I have to do this as well, or do I do as I have been taught?
- Witr in Ramadaan: Can I lead the witr, as I believe the Shafiee method is different?
- Recently, one of the brothers, while leading salaah performed sajdah sahw, by making both salaams, then 2 sajdahs, then immediately 2 salaams to end the salaah. Is the salaah correct, as I have been taught differently?
- I notice that the Imaams in the area say something in Arabic before the salaah, which I believe is related to straightening the saffs. Is this a sunnat, and if so, what exactly should I say.