Jumuah Salaah when one is a musaafir
Q: Is it permissable to miss Jumuah because of flight times while being on holiday?
Q: Is it permissable to miss Jumuah because of flight times while being on holiday?
Q: My question is regarding a woman in haidh. If a woman is in haidh and she is going to travel, will the conditions of salaah apply to her? When she reaches her destination, and she becomes tahirah, will she read qasr salaah or she will first have to travel a safr distance from there in order to read qasr or will she have to count the number of days she will be staying there from the day she becomes pure inorder to read qasr? Kindly send me the reference as well.
Q: Is it permissible for two siblings to make nikkah on the same day to different individuals ? Is there any Islamic rulings against that?
Q: I listen to lectures given by Muslims and later I find out that some of these people are sufi’s, or salafi’s, or etc. I do not know which of these is
correct or which should be listened to?
Q: Person B sees advert of person A, and a successful transaction takes place. Upon person B receiving the goods, he notices that the contents do not match what was advertised. After querying from person A and requesting a refund, person A claims to have been scammed by person A's supplier (who has since disappeared) and refuses to refund person B. Who is responsible and who should suffer a loss? Keeping in mind that person A had failed to check the contents after receiving it from his supplier.
Q: Recently a brother was discussing the issue of 'Having a permanent organisation to distribute sadaqa and zakaat'. He termed this Haraam, Batil and
bidah. He produced the following articles with a link which I've produced at the bottom. I would be grateful if you can elaborate on this issue in light
of the Qu'ran and Hadith.
Q: I stay in Dubai but I am from India, I'm staying here with my husband and two kids from the last 18 months. I stay in a small flat, and I want a big house but the rents here are increasing tremendously. It's hard for my husband to pay such high rent. Please when will my dream be fulfilled. When will I get a big and a beautiful house?
Q: Is it haraam for me to make and sell furniture to people if I know it is more than likely that they will (at some point) be more than likely to use the furniture when doing haram things i.e. they would be more than likely to at some point store haram cloths in a closet or have unmarried adult relations on a bed I made, or use a table I made to eat pork or put alcoholic drinks on, or watch haram TV programs on the sofa I made and sold to them? Is making and selling these things cooperating in sin and transgression?
Is wasting time a sin and if so, is selling footballs or remote control cars to people cooperating, influencing sin, if I know they (adults) are going to
excessively waste time playing with them?
Q: My elder sister don't have any child due to some medical reasons. My family wants that I give her my child which will be born. Am I allowed to give my child and if yes than what about the father's name? Should he or she be called from original father's name or from my brother in-law's name?
Q: When a baby is born what is the procedure for Azaan and Iqaamt in the ear?