Sucking blood

Q: I wanted to inquire about the drinking of flowing blood being haraam! If a person checks his sugar, pokes bimself for the blood to be released and
thereafter sucks the remaining blood from his finger, is this constituted as haraam?

Pigeon droppings in the Musjid

Q: I have seen scores of pigeons roosting in many Masjids.  They keep flying around and a lot of their droppings are found on the prayer mat, some dry and some fresh.  I had the opportunity to witness so much droppings continuously being made by the pigeons roosting in Jama Masjid in Delhi during my visit once, when I had gone to offer my Dhuhr Salaah with the Jamaath.

I require the following clarification.

1. Is our Salaah valid if offered at such a place full of pigeons' droppings, dry or fresh?

2. Do we have to clean only the spot of the droppings if they fall on our clothes if we are in a state of Wudhu or do we have to do our Wudhu all over

3. Similarly, I have witnessed the same scenes at many Eidgahs in different cities during my travel, during Eid Salaah, where sheep/goat droppings/cattle dung are found all around dry or fresh, which the people responsible for the maintenance of the Eidgahs neglect to clean. Is our Salaah valid in such places?  

4. What is the Shariah Ruling on these kind of najis?

Equality between wives

Q: My wife said that she will let me have a second wife if I increase her allowance from 5 to 10 000 a month. If I enter this agreement with her before I marry, do I still have to give my second wife the same amount in being equal or can I give her a normal allowance of 5 000?

Lohe Quran

Q: Please advise what "Lohe Quran" is and whether we can read it to gain success in work and business and other difficulties?


Q: This is far distant in my thoughts but I heard there is a hadith its like about the prophet doubted not so sure or the companions I don't really remember a man they thought was the dajjal (I don't remember well). I dont know if they said that but anyways if they did isn't the dajjal like has 2 eyes but I think 1 is defective. Also i think maybe not that there are 2 scholarly opinions saying that one dajjal is a man or I don't really know. I need some clarification.