Conveying the message of Islam to people living on an isolated island

Q: I read that there’s an isolated island off the coast of India, the sentinel islands. A tribe of people dwell on this island and have been isolated from the rest of society for centuries. They are unaware of the cultures, religions and technologies that exist throughout the rest of the world. This group of people and their way of life are protected due to the fact that they haven’t been exposed to half the viruses and diseases that exist on the mainlands. How will this group of people be judged?

Designing a structure for a church and selling grapes to someone who will use it to make wine


1. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure (i.e. steel in beams, columns, etc.) of a building which the owners will use for producing alcohol?

2. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure of a church?

3. Is it permissible to sell grapes to someone who will use it for making wine?

Returning an item that does not belong to you

Q: When I was a child I remember one of the neighbours close to us had a garden that from what I remember was quite messy like things were about and one thing there was a tricycle and it looked like the one I had when I was a child and to think at the time I thought someone must have dumped my tricycle there so I took it out.

However I cannot ascertain if it did belong to me and perhaps I took someone’s tricycle, maybe I thought the garden was messy so my tricycle was dumped there.

I believe the family have moved out now and there are new owners of the house. Would I have to approach the current owners to see if they are in contact with the old owners so I can ask the old owners for forgiveness and pay them if that is required of me.

Salaah of men breaking if a woman stands besides him and Imaam making intention for leading women in salaah


1.1 If a woman is performing salaah in jama'ah with men, will her salaah invalidate the salaah of just the person immediately behind her or all those directly behind her whether there is a wall behind her or not?

1.2 Is there any difference between the Haram and non Haram in the above scenario?

2. If she stood a step or two behind him to his right or left and not directly in line with him, will his salaah break keeping in mind that she will be in line with him though not in Qiyaam, but in Rukoo' and Sajdah?

3. Some are of the opinion that since the gathering is large in the Haram, there is no need to for the Imaam to include the women in his niyyah, as in the case of Jumu'ah and Eid?

Distributing items which were jointly purchased

Q: I am participating in a technical project at my university which will be funded by the project's team members equally. The money collected will be used to buy parts and equipment for the project. During the project's duration, the remaining money will be kept reserved for use in case a part breaks and needs replacement.

After the project is over, the parts used in the project and the money will be equally distributed to the team members.

The parts distributed will be used, and may be worn. On what basis can the parts be distributed to the team members? Should they be distributed based on their value when they were bought, or should we estimate their current market value?

Distribution of profits in a partnership


Question 1:

My brother in law and I would like to venture in a business of exporting rice from India to South Africa. He will invest 15% and I will invest 85% of cash in this venture. He will also be fully in charge for procuring the rice from the mills and for the admin work in India. I will be responsible for the work in South Africa, dealing with the customers and any other work that's needed.

I would like to find out how should our profit be distributed? Based on the percentage invested or 50/50?

Question 2:

I have invested in my brother in laws aluminium business where he uses my cash and buys for COD and his supplier gives him a cash discount of 1 rupees per kg. This cash discount he gives it to me as my dividends of my investment.

1. Is this dividends permissible for me (cash discount received by him/his business)?

2. Should it not be that the cash discount be for the business and the profit that he makes by selling the aluminium (of my cash that he used to buy) be split according to a fixed percentage mutually agreed?