Hair of Hazrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: I would like to know about the Prophets hair which is exhibited during 9th of month Rabiul Awwal every year for public to have blessings. It is believed that some hairs will move by them self and many had witnessed it. Some hairs grow and some of them offshoot new hairs. I myself have witnessed it at one place.  I would like to know the reality of this miracle.

Telling one's wife "go" in an argument

Q: I suffer from wasaawis, but not on a major level, just mildly. I was arguing with my wife and she kicked me. After this I said go. My intent
was if that is how you are going to treat me then just go. At the same time the thought of divorce kept going through my head. Then I thought to myself this could mean divorce and immediately thought to myself I am not intending divorce. Did divorce occur in this situation?

Mother being abusive to her children

Q: Is it permissable to leave the home of your mother unmarried? I have a 2 year old daughter and I am a single mother. I live with my mother, brothers (1 of which is disabled) and a daughter. My mother has been emotionally abusive towards myself and siblings most of our lives. She has the behaviour of a narcotic and lives her life believing that bad things are sent to her from people doing dirty work. She even blames myself, siblings and even her own family of sending things to her. We've tried speaking to her but she takes offence of anyone offering her advice. I would like to know is it wrong to leave her home as a Muslim unmarried woman in order to protect my daughter from having to endure the same abuse and bad duahs put upon her? And also to protect myself and ensure a happier life for my mother as well as myself? May Allah protect us from the bad duahs, and guide us to make the right choices and May Allah guide and protect my mother too, and grant her ease, comfort contentment and happiness. 


Q: We are 3 brothers and 4 sisters, father and mother have passed away. Father did not do any wasiyah or will.

  1. We want to sell fathers property, which is land plot, value will be approximately 65 lakhs (six and half million rupees). How do  we divide the share?
  2. After father passed away I have bought a piece of land and a house next to my fathers plot, very cheap at that time. Now the value is much more. Do I have to give a share to my brothers and sisters?
  3. On my fathers plot I have built a house with my own money. My brothers did not pay any money and my two younger brothers were living  together with my mother and two sisters. I used to help for food for my mother, sisters, brother and medicines for my mother. One of my brothers who is married used to work and help a little bit for food and bills. Now we will break this house and sell the material and will the share the value of the plot among the three brothers? Is this right? That house cost me lot at that time, but since it is unused now its value is like scrap. (very less) Do I have to give a share from this house to my brothers and sisters?
  4. I was working in Saudi Arabia and  living with family there, regularly helping the them for food etc. I am living in England. I have paid all expenses for my two sisters and 2 brothers to get married. I have helped one brother by giving money to start his transport business. I never took any profit or the money I have helped. I have helped to my second brother with money to come to Saudi and then England to work and  settle there. 
  5. After father passed  away I have bought some other property with my own money in another town? 2 plots one shop and one flat, no income is coming from this property.
  6. After father passed away, one of my younger brothers settled in England - later in RSA and bought his own property and he is well settled, he has his own house and a small business. 
  7. The  brother in  India also has his own  house and a small business.
  8. I am the elder one living in England. I don't have my own house in England, I am living on rental property and  still  working. If I sell all my property I can not buy half a house.
  9. My property is considered as a whole or each one is separate? The one I  have bought after father passed away is mine?
  10. All this property is considered as a sharing for all? If all property is considering as a whole then what about my brother's property in Africa and what about my other brother's House and business in india? Is it their own  property? And what about my property which I  have bought with my own money after father passed away?
  11. Mother did not have any property on her name. Only some gold she had which was distributed among brothers and sisters.
  12. My father did not give the share of their sisters when his father passed away. They three brothers have distributed the property among themselves. Now when we sell my fathers property, do we have to give my fathers sisters share to their children (my  father and his three sisters and two brothers have passed away)?