Q: A brother used to rape his own minor sister for many years. Later this same siter kills her brother, will she be accountable in the court of Allah?
Q: A brother used to rape his own minor sister for many years. Later this same siter kills her brother, will she be accountable in the court of Allah?
Q: Deceased person has mother, wife and two children (son and daughter). How his belongings will be divided? At the moment grandmother of the children is 90 years old and lost her realisation and she has two brothers and one sister. Can grandchildren get grandmother's belonging (If yes) then how? Grandchildren are taking care of her grandmother because both her sons are deceased.
Q: My maternal grandmother died. She had two daughters only (both alive). Grandmother has one sister. How will the warasat of deceased be divided?
Q: I am a new Muslim about 3 years. I married 10 months ago. My wife is ugly, every time she becomes ill and she is having high tempreture, her face is full with pimples. When I saw her at night, the day before marriage, I was unable to recognize because her face was covered with niqaab and I was very shy.
Sheikh, she is very religious, always prays Tahajud, and always wearing niqaab. She loves me very much. She is 100 % satisfied with me and very happy. But sheikh I am not satisfied with her. I am acting as if I like her very much, but in fact I am unhappy. I am trying to kill my heart but cant. I read some hadith such as:
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah (RA) said: Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “No believing man should hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her characteristics, he may be pleased with another.”
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “The most complete of the believers in faith is the one with the best character among them. And the best of you are those who are best to your women.”
I never had relationship with women after and before Islam. First time I had relations was with my wife. I don't have any intention to marry another. All my family are still not Muslim. My family doesn’t know about my marriage.
Sheikh, I had a dream about wife but after marriage it was broken. Our relation is very good, she is happy but all I know is that I am only acting for the sake of Allah. I don’t want to make her disappointed. My question is:
1. I don’t like her but she don’t know about that , I used to lie about that, I am trying to make her happy whatever. Is it Haraam to act like
2. How to become happy? What should I do?
3. Any especial duaa?
I hope you will understand.
Q: We are married for more than 8 years. We have no children. We are trying to get kids from the beginning but not yet. Doctor advised us to take through test tube. Is it acceptable according to Quran or Hidith?
Q: How should one treat ones guest? Does the guest have any rights? Does the Ahadiths mention any thing regarding ones guest also if one shows disrespect to his / hers guest is it a sin? Is it correct to ask if you'll will have anything? If mufti saheb could narrate any incedient in the live of nabi [Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam], the sahabaa [Radiyallahu Anhum] and in the lives of great uleama of deoband on how they took care of their respected guess?
Q: I have a question that I have a distant uncle who is sick and old and that when I inquired about his health from my brother over the phone he said that he's not well and doesn't recognise people, today when I met with another relative he was asking me about this uncle and I said that he's not well and that he doesn't recognise people. My question is that is it a gheebat (backbite)? Please advice me.
Q: I gargled once and put water in the nose soaped the bottom half then top half then rinsed is ghusl done? I am confused in my mind I think its
not done at all that I might have missed some place out as I was standing under the shower.
Q: I need advice and guidance please. If my husband told me its over between me and him over a message, is it counted as a talaaq?
Q: How should you meet your uncle or cousin brother?