Does the nikaah terminate if the husband goes to live with a non Muslim?

Q: My question is with regards to my Nikah. My husband left me and our two children 8 months ago to live with a non muslim woman. He now regrets the decision he has made and wants to reconcile. Please advise if we are still in Nikah as I don't want to live in sin. He has not mentioned anything about giving me a Talaq at all when he was leaving, his words were he is leaving me as he does not have any feelings for

Meaning of a Durood

Q: When I think of Imam shafi'ees Durood, for some reason I dislike to say the second part of the Durood, using the amount of ghaflat the ghafil people are engaging in as an amount to send Durood to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). In my mind this is disrespectful to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Please can mufti saheb clarify and make me understand how to look at this?