Intention for Salaah

Q: I understand it is a condition of the prayer when following an imam to intend to be linked to the imam. I also understand that the intention should be such that if a person was asked regarding his prayer, he should respond immediately without having to think-otherwise his prayer is invalid. I spend several minutes trying to make the intention for prayer, for example, to intend to read Fard of Isha Behind the imam. Despite this even after a few minutes of trying to make the intention, if one was to ask me what prayer I was praying I am able to respond immediately without thinking Fard of Isha. However, I have think very briefly remind myself I am praying behind the imam. And this happens almost every time even after five minutes of intention making. I am getting depressed over this because apparantly it makes my prayer invalid. Please can you help me?

Remaining perpetually in sin

Q: I had a question regarding committing a sin. If a person does one bad deed then he get one sin but example what if he is doing a sin which is a continuous sin example he is involved in interest or he doesn't keep a beard so is there something like he is getting a sin every second that passes untill he comes out of that sin?

Writing durood in Arabic

Q: When writing the name of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in a book or article, does the translated English phrase "may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him" give the same reward as writing the transcribed Arabic "Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam" after His name?


Q: I want to ask about a dream I had today. There was something going on in the house and I asked everyone no one told me then someone told me that one of the aunt in the neighbourhood got married and she is already a grandparent and she got married to my uncle. Every one was happy and then I saw my aunts mum who died many years ago she was happy and I said salam to her. She smiled and kissed me. Is it bad if a dead person kisses you?