Marrying when there is a need

Q: Is legal love marriage allowed which means without looking talking exposing one another. I (happen to be a pious unmarried male of 28) got information from a brother of a very reputed pious divorced women of 30 that she wants to marry me and if I do not marry her she will remain unmarried but my family will accept it for many reasons. She also said that if my family will not accept it then I will have to marry her secretly then she will remain in her house and I will remain in my house. And Allah made me too generous that I do not want to hurt anyones feelings so naturally I am also feeling love for her. So what should I do now?

Discharging semen after urinating

Q: I woke up and there was this whitish liquid that was inside. It hadn't come out but after I urinated got up and everything it hurt and I am quiet constipated but I didn't go to pass stool then or anytime before so should I consider it as wadi? The only time I went for stool was yesterday evening and later yesterday I went to the toilet put pressure but nothing come out.

Wet dreams


  1. Sometime I get sexual and erotic dreams, why do I get these kind of dreams? Are these dreams cause by shaytaan?
  2. I get a lot of wet dreams, can you tell me how I can stop getting wet dreams?

Settling one's debts

Q: I have a couple of debts I have to pay back. One is a non-interest loan via a friend. One is a previous student loan where the interest is extremely small. I took this loan out some years back when I didn’t know anything about riba. If I can get a loan (non-interest) from somewhere, is it permissible for me to invest this loan in something halaal in order to make money for myself so that I can pay off my debts first, before I get a job? For example, I am able to get a loan and invest in some business which would eventually provide some return. Assuming I still don’t have a job. Or, if I can get myself a job, although I have these debts, would I be able to save up and invest first before paying the debts off? Or can I save up and invest, while taking some of my savings and putting that towards the debts at the same time? What is the best course to follow and what out of the above us permissible? What way round is allowed?