Piercing the ear
Q: My daughter want to get a piercing on the top of her ear. She does wear a scarf when she goes out. Is it permissible?
Q: My daughter want to get a piercing on the top of her ear. She does wear a scarf when she goes out. Is it permissible?
Q: If someone feeds you something, or gives you clothing that they have stolen. Will you be sinful in using it if you do not know for sure that they stole it?
Q: A brother told me that he committed intercourse with a woman in her iddah and wanted to ask if her iddah is now extended? If so for how long?
Q: I want to know did Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) wear undergarments? If yes what kind of undergarment did he wear?
Q: For Fardh and Wajib Salaahs:
Q: If a person did not know the fardhs of ghusl for years and would just take a shower when needed ghusl, and he may have gargled mouth and blew nose in the shower but don't know 100%, will the salaah, saum etc of all these years have to be repeated?
Q: A woman leaves home whilst in iddah, does the sin go to the deceased husband?
Q: Is products (like beauty creams) that are highly probable to have haram animal constituents considered najas?
Q: The women in our area have this notion that during haidh nifaas they are not allowed to do ghusl with water, moreover they are not allowed to bath during these periods. They say that if they do so they will become ill. Also they do not drink cold water. I understand that bathing and doing ghusl will not not get rid of impurity during these periods but is it true that they are not allowed to use water to clean private parts and/or bath. Please expand on this topic maybe highlighting the shariah and hikmat perspectives on this issue. Jazakallah
Q: When one washes one's hands in a wash basin/sink, or makes wudhu in a wash basin/sink, there is almost always some splash back from the sink. Is this splash back considered najas (impure)?