Q: In Talim ul Haq Masaail pertaining to wudhu it says in number 13 - It is Mustahab (preferable) to make Wudhu for each Salaat even though one may be in the state of Wudhu. It is Mustahab only if at least two Rak'aats Salaat have been performed with the previous Wudhu. Thus if one did not perform any Salaat, it will not be permissible to perform fresh Wudhu before that Wudhu
has been either broken or at least two Rak'aats Salaat have been performed.
1-Is the above correct?
2-Will a person be sinful for doing fresh wudhu, if the wudhu is not broken or two Rakaats hasn't been performed because it says it will not be permissible to perform fresh Wudhu?