Mother speaking ill of her daughter to others

Q: I have been living with my pensioner mother since I got married as I am the only child. We currently live in the same complex as my in laws and they are very accommodating of my mother and treat her kindly. I had a previous incident where my nanny left because my mother was talking ill about my husband, myself and my in laws. Bitter complaints and bringing me down. This isn't the first time. She has been complaining and bringing my husband down to many others. To the point where she makes herself seem like a victim and they actually despise me as she paints me out to be so nasty and cruel.

I have spoken to her on many occasions regarding this. She agrees not to do it and then a few months later I find out that she's talking about me, my husband or my in laws. She even complained to my mother in law about me continuously.

I have recently found out, once again that my helper (who also works for my in laws) wants to leave as my mother is talking about me, my husband and in laws behind our backs.

How do I defend my mother in a situation like this? My in laws know as the helper had to tell my mother in law to take her back full time as she works part time for me. I am at my wits end. I am so angry, hurt and frustrated. I cannot respect her. I want to know Islamically what is my duty regarding my mother and what rights do I have? I am so tired of her being manipulative and emotionally toxic. I am considering putting her into a retirement/old age home. It is as if she wants to intentionally ruin or cause drama in my marriage and between my in laws and I.

I need some advice as to how to handle this situation as my in laws are telling me to leave her and just continue as normal. I can't! I am so fedup of her causing unnecessary drama.

Child giving gifts and sadaqah

Q: My question is regarding children giving charity. From what I know, it is not permissible for them to give Sadaqah etc. from their own wealth. What about giving gifts from their own wealth? Also, what if they buy sweets with their own money, and then decide to to share them? How does it work?

I’m teaching, and the above topic came up. They were quite disappointed that they cannot give until they are baaligh, and it sounded like a lot of them had given before. They were asking if they got any reward for what they gave, or does it not count? Is it a sin? What must I tell them?

Sharing a secret with other people

Q: Someone told me a secret and I promised not to tell anyone. However, because the person who told me the secret started telling others with whom he is not even close. I ended up telling someone else the secret. I know this is wrong and an act of hypocrisy. How do I go about in making taubah and making up for this sin?