Life Insurance

Q: My question is regarding life insurance for about $300,000 in my name, after I die this money will go to my wife and child and they can buy a house and live a comfortable life. Please advise me on this?

Going to work on time

Q: I got a job without any bribe as a primary teacher in Aasaam India and my school is 30 km away from my house. The Government Time to start shool is 9 Am but the students do not come before 10 am due to the distance. I also reach at 10 am but in the attendance register I have to write arrival at 9 am. But the school breaks at 2 pm 1 hour after its actual time. Is it permissible and in accordance to taqwa?

Thana of Janaazah Salaah

Q: I was told the extra words in the Sana of Janaza salah وجل ثناءوك (wajalla sanauka) should not be recited in Janazah salaah because it is not proven from Hadith or the practice of the Sahaba and is a bidat. Is this correct?

Cheating, deceiving and bribery

Q: In India Muslims are being deprived in all aspects. So there are fatwas that cheating is allowed . In the state Assam the Muslims have taken the reorganisation of many schools by cheating the Government. Actually there are no students in these schools but in records they show 50, 60 students and the officers are forwarding it by taking bribes and many Moulana have joined in this act giving fatwa that we are being deprived and for owning our right we have no other way beside this. Is it permissible?

Insha Allah

Q: In surah Kahf vesre 23 it is mentioned that never say surely I will do and in next verse Allah subhanhutala said illa aiyyasha Allah. So what is the exact pronounciation Insha Allah or aiyyasha Allah?