Stem cells

Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use stem cells and if the stem cells are from unknown source who is not known to you. Is this allowed and what is the fatwa regarding this?


Q: I was adopted by my mother's sister. I know I cannot inherit in my adoptive fathers estate. He gave me a sum of money whilst alive. He also gave me (by word of mouth) with my mother and husband as witnesses, his house. This was years before his death, and he subsequently did not say anything to the contrary. The house is big, and on several occasions when maintaining it became a bit much for him, he suggested we sell it. We did not, nor did I want the house legally in my name, in the event of me pre- deceasing him, (it might leave my adoptive mother without a home) hence we did not sell. My father has now passed on. He has left another property which is in the process of being sold. This was a property he inherited from his brother and sister. He has also left a car worth about (R12000) money in a oasis fund (R 70 000) and 25000 in the bank. My mother was an equal partner in his business from which both the 25 000 and the 70 000 have accrued. I am the executor of his will which states everything goes to my mother. We want to ensure that we are not going to cause him any punishment and want to give what's due to his nieces and nephews. He has nephews and nieces from his brothers and sisters sides of the family. How do we ensure the correct Shar'ee execution of his estate?

Significance of Aashura

Q: Some people believe that Muharram is a time for mourning over the assassination of Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu), and some people believe that Muharram is a time for celebrating and spending lavishly on their family. Are there Ahadeeth supporting any of these beliefs? What really should be done for Aashura?

Verbally abused by one's non Muslims mother

Q: My mother (christian) keeps abusing me verbally. Each day she is telling me continuously how bad I am, that nobody can ever love me, that I'm too stupid for everything, that my fiancee will also soon leave me (she says) because I'm so bad. Because of that I got depressions, panic attacks, huge fear from going to school. I'm trying to stay calm or go away, tell her to stop but she doesn't care. I know the value off mothers in Islam and don't want to displease Allah. But what should I do?

Keeping parrots

Q: I have Australian parrots in my home. They are almost 10. We are feeding them properly and taking them for medical check ups as well. They started laying eggs. At the moment they don't have eggs in the cage. I want to set them free because after all they are birds and they can be more happy outside but I am afraid as we'll because we live in Dubai and the weather isn't that pleasant here. Since the day I started feeding them, our house and things became more settled. I am afraid and confused if I set them free may be in our house the Barkat is due to them. I am totally confused what to do either keep them or set them free. Is it a sin to keep them or what shall I do?

Husbands illegitimate child

Q: I need advice please. Several years ago my husband wanted to marry a woman he made pregnant. I didn't accept it then because I feel it is wrong to want to cover up a big sin like that with marriage. He chose to stay with me when I gave him an ultimatum. The child is 11 years now. The mother passed on and he wants to bring the child to our home because she apparently got no relatives. I am not willing to bring this child up after all the pain he put me through he has the gumption to ask me to bring up his illegitimate child! I feel so much hatred for him right now.