Disregarding the comments of people

Q: I'm a 21 year old female. I have always been extremely skinny and when I reached the age of puberty, I started to get bullied because I remained on the skinny side and didn't develop a chest. The bullying got so bad I started to fill my bra. I did not realize at the time how this may affect me later but it has gotten to the point where if I do not fill my bra, it is very noticeably different. This problem has emotionally and psychologically scared me for the longest time. Everyone I know always comments about how I look like a 12 year old kid (even with the fake chest) and it tears me apart. This "fake chest" is the only way I feel my age. I do not want to face being humiliated if I stop filling my bra by my family, relatives and friends and was considering breast enlargement. As I see it right now, my only options are either surgery or continuing filling my bra. Please advise.

Buying a turban from a Sikh website

Q: I wanted to buy a turban from this website gosikh.com. Very nice quality, is it ok? The ones we get here are very poor quality and loose there colour after one wash. These are proper material. I also wanted to know the Sunnah length in metres or hand spans.

I really want to thank you for answering my questions. I'm in a dilemma at this point. I want to go study Insha Allah to Pakistan. My brother is already there. I am 23 years old and the thing is that should I get married before I go or not? Background details being that I will take entry into the second year Insha Allah of the 8 year program. The girl has been found they have spoken to the family. My sister tells me the girl is willing to get married and come with me to Pakistan and study in this Madrasah called Aisha Siddiqa for 3 years just Arabic while I study. I feel uneasy. The thing is Allah guided me and I made a promise to him in a bad state while I was not practising Deen that I would change my life. I started growing my beard Allhumdulilah, it's been 3 years. I found so much peace and the one thing I have promised my self is that I Insha Allah will do Alim course for the sake of Allah. I feel that it is incumbent on me after Allah guided me that this be done. I feel getting married won't let me study to my potential. The thing about this girl is that we met in day of Jahiliya and I completely stopped talking to her she changed her life she wears Niqaab and stuff. My sister is her friend. I went thorough my parents this time around because they knew about us before I started practising so they kind of pushed it that's why she is there. Another option I see in my mind is if I do get married she comes to Pakistan 2 years after. I been doing istikhara. I am so lost and don't see anything. I just want to study properly and not just waste my time there. It will also be hard to go one year jamat. Please advise. I am getting very stressed.


Q: I saw a dream that my deceased grandfather is sitting and I don't remember what I said and what he said but I hugged him and kissed him and started crying. What does it mean?

Treating one's children equally

Q: I'm very sorry, but this is quite a long message. I was wondering if you could spend a moment reading this and make clear for me an issue that I have insha’Allah.  It has been troubling me for a long time and is causing me great distress.  I just feel I need to explain where I’m coming from with this and feel you would better be suited to give me an answer, based on a more detailed explanation. 

I believe I try to be a just person and feel people should be treated fairly, and I would like to know if I am doing right by my situation detailed below. 

I know this is quite long, but I would be very grateful if you could answer  me I just don't know where to go for this.

Commitment to the nikaah

Q: Their is a friend of mine who wants to marry a girl but he is not able to decide as the girl has told him that she was in relation with a boy in past and has been physical with him also. And on the contrary my friend has also been physical but he has made a serious repent to Allah and is a practising muslim now Alhamdulillah. So he is very much confused now whether he should marry a girl who is not pure? Though he is not in touch with that girl now but is still very much confused about that girl what to be done. As he himself is not pure but now has made sincere tauba. So request you please help on this case.

Non Muslim in the process of a gender change intends accepting Islam

Q: A non muslim person has made a firm intention to accept islam Alhamdulillah. The challenge is that this person has been undergoing a sex change to such an extent that all features are feminine including breasts and voice. The only procedure this person needs to undergo is the sex organ change.

  1. Should this person be advised to reverse the process or should this person be allowed to go ahead with the sex change. (If told not to there is a fear that he will turn away from Islam).
  2. Should the above be done after this person recites the shahadah or before?
  3. At this stage (before the sex organ change)is this person regarded as a male or a female  considering all apparent features are feminine?
  4. Who should be allowed to interact with this person a muslim male or a female?
  5. What other advice can mufti sahib give regarding this matter?

A detailed response on the above matters with shar'ee citations will be greatly appreciated.

Family planning

Q: I want to ask if family planning allowed in Islam? Or is it permissible for a woman to use a copper T to give some gap between pregnencies. Is it allowed to use contraceptives? Is using a condom allowed to prevent pregnancy?