Non-Muslim woman being involved with a Muslim man

Q: I am a married non-muslim and wanted to ask that is it wrong if I care for someone who is a muslim with whom I was very close at some point of time in life. However, I perform all my family duties perfectly but I am still worried about his well being. I respect Bhagwan, Allah, God in all different forms but I feel Karm (work) is very important because everyone has been sent by God for a reason. Please guide me how do I make that muslim guy understand that work and prayer both is important?

Freeing oneself from interest dealings

Q: I am a married woman with two very young boys and a husband. I bought a flat before I got married and have a mortgage on it. So of course interest is involved. If I rent, I will not be able to afford it as I live in london and rents can be as high as 1000-1300 pounds a month on a two bedroom flat, which is what I would need with my boys. My husband and I both work 3 days each but my husband has been off sick for most part of this year so he gets a minimal wage each month. Statutory sick pay I think. In this case I need to know what to do Islamically. Do I continue paying my mortgage and ask Allah Subhana wa ta'aala for forgiveness? I wanted to sell it and try to buy a house as its not big enough for my family. I can try to get a re-mortgage on this flat and extend it or sell it and try to buy a house rather than a flat. This is really bothering me because I don't want a war with my creator.

Reward for Salaah with Jamaat and Salaah after using miswaak

Q: It is stated in the Ahadeeth that if one performs his Salaah with Jama'ah then he receives up to 27 times more reward than one who doesn’t perform with jama'ah.  It is also mention in ahadeeth that one who perform salaah having used Miswaak prior to performing wudhu, he would receive 70/72 time more reward than one who performs salaah without using miswaak. 

Therefore, do the relevant ahadeeth suggest that one who performs Salaah having used Miswaak, will receive greater reward than that person who performed his Salaah with Jama'ah (not using miswaak)?

I have had this confusion in my mind for a while.  Please enlighten through your superior knowledge.

Beard which is becoming bald

Q: I have a full grown beard and the problem is it's balding in patches and it's falling a lot. What should I do or can I remove it an take some treatment an see how it grows again? It was such a jihaad to keep it and it was looking so marshaallah an now this is what's happening. Its looking bad with patches all over.



  1. If my husband passes away what is the inherentence?
  2. If I pass away what is the inherentence?

We have two minor sons (5 and 2). Husband has a father. I have both my parents.

Another situation: Husband passes away, has a wife, daughter and a father what is the inherentence?