Becoming closer to Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am muslimah who really wants to change my life for the better as I am not a good Muslim right now. But I do not know where to start or when I do try its only for a few days then I'm back to where I started. I try reading more Qur'aan and books and listening to lectures but it seems unfortunately nothing touches my heart. I know my heart yearns to get closer to Allah before it is too late but nothing is happening and I fear I am losing hope which I know is not a good thing. Please advise on what I may do or read?

Assisting in evil and sin


  1. I am working virtually (from Pakistan) for an Irish Solicitors firm. I listen and type their dictations. They have all kind of cases including same sex marriage, family, employment etc. Is my job halaal?
  2. I have a job offer from a US based marketing company where I have to assist them in setting up their marketing campaigns. The campaigns I have to work on include financing, insurance, loans, mortgages, dating etc. Mostly my working is copying and pasting information/data from one system to another but at one step I have to visit different websites and decide which one is better for their advertisements to display on. Can I work for them?

Haraam fantasising


  1. I would like to know what falls under haraam fantasising. What would be regarded as haraam thinking in Islam?
  2. Whenever the subject of jima' (intercourse) comes up then I get a weird feeling in my body and with that a discharge comes out and I feel a need to use the bathroom. Dose this discharge make ghusul waajib. I am very worried about this as I am a 15 year old girl. This also makes me feel that I won't be able to get married because if the topic of jima' (intercourse) comes up and this happens to me then what will happen when I get married. Will I not be able to satisfy my husband and all similar questions. Please advise me on what I should do. I haven't told anyone about this. Please help and advise.

Eid gifts

Q: I noticed that people are giving "eid gifts" in the same way as the non muslims are giving "Christmas gifts". Is this a practice of Nabee (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or an innovation? I can not remember any such custom when we were children.

Husband ill treating the wife

Q: A lady is often taunted by her husband on various matters, his favourite taunt is "You are a Jahnami". This upsets her because she tries her best at being a good wife, she does not do anything or go anywhere without his permission, she looks after the family and home, she prays all her salahs regularly and she prays the Quran every day as much as she can, but her husband is never happy and always looks for excuses to embarrass her in front of other people, sometimes he pushes her to the limit, and when she's praying he tells her that she shouldn't bother because non of her ibaadat will be accepted. When she's in sajda, he tells her to stop doing that because she's wasting her time,whilst he does not pray namaz at all. He only goes to pray 1 juma in a month. When she tells him to pray namaz, he tells her to mind her own business. He deliberately makes her look for things that he knows are not there, he will first look in the fridge or the kitchen cupboards to see what food is not in stock, and then later he will ask her to give him that food to eat and if she says it's finished, he starts swearing at her, so she goes to shop to get it and then give it to him, but then he won't eat it because he will say he doesn't want it anymore. She has now had enough and is thinking of leaving him, but before she takes that action, is there anything she can pray, any wazifa that might make him a good husband and make him a namazi?


Q: My question is about distribution of property according to sunni shariat. My mom has 2 sisters. Out of my two aunts only one has children of which are daughters. My other aunt doesn't have any children. My mom is the only one with a son. So after the Death of my aunt the property is to be distributed between her sisters, i.e my mom and aunt since my other aunt did not have any children. So my actual question is that should my mom receive the property in 2:1 ratio since she has a son?