Fulfilling one's promise

Q: If I gave my word to a new employer to move to his company and at the last minute and after he stopped looking for someone to fill my new position I changed my mind and decided to stay at my current company. If I stay my new employers work will be affected and if I leave my old work will to be affected as they have not found a replacement for me yet. If I change my mind at the last minute to move to a new company, is it haram because I gave my word to move? Please help me I need to answer both employers tomorrow.

Family broken up due to estate problems

Q: My father were 4 brothers and 1 sister. As my grandfather expired at such a time where my father and his siblings were quite young, my father's eldest brother therefore took care of the family business. My grandfather owned a leather factory. Few years things were going well Alhumdulilah but later after the marriage of my father's eldest brother he deprived everybody else in the family except his mother of the income which was till now being generated from the factory. He said that because since so many years he was looking after the business therefore the factory was now his and nobody in the family was to put his claim anymore. My grandmother also supported him because she was getting her monthly expenditure from him. My father, mother and the rest of my uncles and aunt took the matter to the court but even there my eldest uncle did something because of which my parents had to withdraw the case. Since then, my parents were in a very bad financial condition and had to suffer a lot. Now the state of my family is like very hostile towards each other. My eldest uncle has now expired and his wife has taken over the business and we are still deprived of the income which is generated from the factory. This hurts my parents and many a times a fight ensues. The  daughters of my eldest uncle has abused my mother very badly and said things to her which was worst than the worst. Keeping all the situations in mind, what should we do now as we are not in talking terms with them but fear Allah's anger that if we break ties then Allah will be angry but being in talking terms with them is very tough as they even think that we are doing so in order to gain benefit from them which is not true. As they have abused my mother I just don't feel like being good towards them any more. What should be done in this case? And what is to be done with the factory thing? Don't we have any right over its income? Its been 25 years nearly since we have been deprived of our rights. 

Explanation of a Hadith regarding dreams

Q: What is the explanation of this Hadith“A dream is hanging on the leg of a bird, as soon as it is interpreted it happens as it was interpreted"? I have read about the meaning of this Hadith, they said if the dream is interpreted by an experienced scholar, it will happen. My question is in the word "as it is interpreted" (in the Hadith), if the experienced scholar or somebody who knows interpretation of dreams interprets his dream, will the dream happens as it was interpreted (as narrated in the Hadith)?

Men wearing silver rings

Q: Is the wearing of a ring all the time a sunnah since we wear it as jewellery (as adornment)? Did Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) wear it for the same reason or because he needed it to stamp his letters? If it is permissible as a sunnah to wear it all the time, please advise which finger and which hand should one wear the ring? Similarly, how many rings can a male and female wear?  

Continuously experiencing a Discharge

Q: I find wetness in my private parts all day long (75 percent of time in 24 hours). It's watery. When it dries I can't see anything. After istinja if I wipe it, I still find some drops there. Today when I got up for fajr, I found watery substance with no colour in it. There was no stickyness. I was not even feeling like urinating and if sometime Ii feel like urinating during day or night it does not mean that I will just do it. I am highly confused for my taharat (purity). What should I do for offering namaaz? Are my clothes and myself impure? I can't wear panty and liners all day long, it creates itchiness.

Wife refusing to live with in-laws

Q: I am maried for 9 years. I stayed with my parents for 8 years, then moved out for 1 year. Now my dad had his leg amputated and I think I need to move back. My wife on the other hand says she will never move back to my parents house even if it means divorce. I even told her I will build a cottage in the same yard. What is your advise? I have a 2 year old son who my parents really love. If we separate my wife will probably be spitefully and go to Pakistan with my son.

Treating the husband's children like one's own children

Q: I got married about two years ago. My husband is a widower and has two sons from his first wife. Masha Allah the kids and I love each other like a real mother and children. But recently I read that Islam is not in favour of adopting children and that it says in the Qur'an Shareef that "your adopted sons are not your own". I am disturbed about my position now as I had married with an intention to love these kids as my own.