Funeral cover

Q: I would like to know if it is permissible to have a type of funeral cover, in the area I live there is a type of funeral cover that you can join at the Mosque near to you. E.g. You pay an amount of R20.00 every month so in the case you pass away then your hole at the graveyard will be paid for & any other like transporting you to graveyard, etc. But what if you pass away after 6 months & the amount you paid them is not even half the costs of your burial, etc. & if you were paying for long time already now & you are still alive then you would have paid much more then what it would actually cost to do your janaazah. Please give a detail explanation if it is permissible in Islam to have something like this & why?

Getting married in a family that is involved in bid'aat

Q: Please advise me, I come from a tablighi family background. I have met this girl, she is hard core sunni. The entire family, mazaars salami etc. Is it ok to marry into this family? I don't follow their stuff rose water and feather duster and standing for salami. I wasn't brought up to. Please advise me on what to do. Also they don't want to let us get married but instead wait a few years. We both over 20 and know each other for 3 years.