Taking oaths unnecessarily

Q: Once while conversing with some body I took khuda ki qasam for some reason. After the conversation I thought about my qasam was right or not. I think I have taken a wrong qasam. The actual sentence for qasam was “khuda ki qasam hum mazaak men bole the”. This sentence was spoken by me for another sentence I spoke earlier (for which I am confused that whether it was spoken in mazaak or not from my side but I took an oath on khuda).

Keeping the names of angels

Q: Are we allowed to name our children after angels (e.g. Jibraeel, Mikaaeel, etc.)? If we are allowed, then should we name them just Mikaeel or does the name have to be accompanied by a forename such as Muhammad, i.e. Muhammad Mikaeel, Muhammad Jibraeel?

I dreamt that I was reliving myself after making istikhara for a marriage proposal

Q: I am in the mid thirties and shattered due to no decent marriage proposal. Recently, a guy with his family came to see me. I was really hoping for a proposal from them. The same day I made istikhara, and in a dream I saw myself in a bathtub, excreting solid waste (feces). I also saw my 5 years old nephew, doing his potty in the toilet (I saw yellow waste coming out of him). I am extremely sad since this dream. Most of the time i don't get proposal if I like someone, and sometimes I don't like who are interested in me. And I am too depressed because of this.

My husband intends remarrying his first wife

Q: I am facing a difficulty in marriage. My husband had a love marriage before, then for some reasons they split up and he got married to me. Its been 6 years now and we have two kids but my husband have never forgot her and he mistreats me when he thinks of her. Now after 7 years of their split up he has contacted her and asked her to marry him again. In this country there is no rule for two wives and I also heard that in Islam it is allowed if you can treat them equally, which is not possible here. She has told him not to do so and fix his relation with me but he is still insisting on her by sending her love mails etc. I am worried about myself and my kids and cannot find any way, besides I feel like it is not possible for me to leave him as I love him and he is the father of my kids. Even he knows that his relation with her won't last for long but still there is some thing that is pulling him in that direction. I am reciting "Surah Dahr" 11 times for 11 days and "Ya Wadoodo" 41 times every day. In anger he has said several times that he divorced me but he doesn't believe that one can be divorced just by saying. If some one can help me in this I will be great full.